Friday, January 29, 2010

MSNBC Breeds Morons

Here we go again. When desperation sets in and they are at the end of their rope, the Left pulls the race card. They now claim that if you say Obama is "arrogant" you are a "racist".  MSNBC must breed these pundits.

This is another example of why Keith Olber-moron is well...a moron.

Grasping at Straws: Olbermann Claims Obama 'Arrogant' Label a Racist Euphemism

By Jeff Poor

A lot of leading thinkers on the right have warned about this, but now with President Barack Obama no longer enjoying high approval ratings and many of his defenders with their back against the wall, the race card is being deployed as one of the last lines of defense.
And one of the most bizarre and egregious examples of this desperation to defend the President at all costs came from MSNBC "Countdown" host Keith Olbermann. On his Jan 28 program, he singled out Erick Erickson of, John Stossel, host of the Fox Business Channel's "Stossel", Jay Nordlinger of National Review, former Bush speechwriter and Washington Post contributor Marc Thiessen, John Hood, also of National Review and Fox News host Glenn Beck as racist for criticizing the president's demeanor during the Jan. 27 State of the Union address.

Read more... 

Obama Having Second Thoughts About NYC Terrorist Trial

White House asks Justice Department to look for other places to hold 9/11 terror trial
The White House ordered the Justice Department Thursday night to consider other places to try the 9/11 terror suspects after a wave of opposition to holding the trial in lower Manhattan.
The dramatic turnabout came hours after Mayor Bloomberg said he would "prefer that they did it elsewhere" and then spoke to Attorney General Eric Holder.

I have an idea...
How about move the trial to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. 

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Great Interview With Two Tea Party Activists

I am not a big fan of Katie Couric, but I thought this video of her interview with representatives from the Tea Party Movement was well worth watching.  Kellen Guida and Michael Johns explain the Tea Party Movement and give Katie a lesson in patriotism.

Via: Tax Day Tea

Posted by Eric Odom on Jan 27, 2010 in Daily Tea |
Tea party activists/organizers Michael Johns and Kellen Guida recently sat down with Katie Couric for a discussion about the tea party movement. It’s a fascinating conversation and one well worth sharing with friends within the movement.

Article on interview:
Katie Couric Interviews Tea Party Leaders
Posted by Brian Montopoli
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Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Bottom Line and Rush's Letter To Obama

TCGuy and I watched President Obama's State of the Union Address last night during a late dinner.  It did not help my appetite...but I digress.  I've heard loads of analysis and opinions today and I can not add anything new to the discussion...just the bottom line.

The bottom line is...he is going full speed ahead on his progressive agenda.  ObamaCare...Cap & Tax...another stimulus package under the guise of a "jobs bill"'s all still there, plus more.

We can not take our guard down because Obama is urging waivering Democrats to stay the course with him, and I wouldn't doubt he'll get his way. Strong arming thuggery is a technique of this administration and they are good at it.  He is going to go down fighting, and We The People are the only ones who can stop him and his progressive minions in Congress from winning.  So, full steam ahead Patriots...our job has only just begun.

I'd like to share something that I heard today on the Rush Limbaugh Radio Show.  Rush wrote a letter to President Obama after the State of the Union Address last night.  If you didn't hear it today, I've included the audio and the transcript below.  Rush says it all...

Rush:  I penned a message to Obama that I would like to deliver now.  Because Mr. Obama, I think it's time we had a heart to heart talk.  Let me be the father that you never had or never really knew, because I think you need some guidance.  It's time to man up.  It's time to grow up.  That speech last night was an embarrassment.  You couldn't focus, you lashed out in all directions, you refused to accept responsibility for your own actions, and you were angry.  Read the entire transcript here.
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Chris Matthews Forgot Obama Was Black

Chris, what the heck is wrong with you?  When are you going to get over the fact that President Obama is black?  It's been a year now, the novelty should have worn off with you by now.  Get over it.  You should be more concerned about where he is taking our country with his progressive agenda than what color his skin is.  Stop the dramatics and start doing your job.  And yes, I know you tried to spin your way out of your comments later on in the show, but even Rachel Maddow looked bewildered.

That's the problem with liberals...they are the ones who have the hang up with race.  Chris, you should have "forgotten" Obama was black a long time ago...because it doesn't matter, you moron.

Just imagine the firestorm if one of the Fox News contributors had said those comments...unless, of course, he/she was a liberal...

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Christopher Buckley: The Audacity of Oops

The article below was written by Christopher Buckley, son of conservative William F. Buckley.  Christopher Buckley jumped ship last November and voted for Barack Obama.  He was taken in by BO's hopey-changey promises.  This article will tell you where Christopher is coming from now.

Well, with your help Mr. Christoper Buckley, we now have a president intent on destroying our country by turning it into a banana republic.  I'm happy to see that you have "seen the light", but I'd say instead of calling Obama's new book "The Audacity of Oops", I think that should be the title of YOUR next book explaining why you voted for him.

The Audacity of Oops
by Christopher Buckley

Barack Obama  
Daily Beast columnist Christopher Buckley procured an early draft of President Obama’s upcoming State of the Union speech.
My fellow Americans,
Tonight I can report to you that the state of the union, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being excellent, is a 9.8.
Now, you may ask—and I wouldn’t blame you for asking—how I came up with that number. You might be saying to yourself, “Wait a minute. I’ve got no job, no health insurance. My house isn’t worth half the amount of my mortgage, and I just got called up by the National Guard to do a fifth tour in Afghanistan. How the heck did he come up with 9.8?”
So it’s a good and valid question. And the answer is that 9.8 is pretty good, considering the mess my predecessor and the Republicans left me. Fair enough? I think so.


Dems Plan To Defeat The GOP By Associating Them With Tea Party

Last spring, did you ever think that the Tea Party Movement would become so influential? Just goes to show you how powerful the every day American really is. Keep up the fight...they're all shaking in their wingtips.

Out & About

We were out and about yesterday and came across this buccaneer sitting in front of a little gift shop.  I had to snap a photo of his sign saying "Thank You Massachusetts" and share it with you.  So if you happen to be visiting Cape Harbour in Cape Coral, FL, stop by Islands Tropically Inspired and thank the folks for recognizing Massachusetts for doing their part to help save our great nation.

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why Obama Wants A Second Porkulus Bill

Why would President Obama want to put us in debt even further by pushing for a second porkulus bill?  Well, there's a method to his madness and Dan Mitchell from the CATO Institute has the answer.  It makes sense if you believe that there will be an "inevitable" economic recovery with or without a second so-called "stimulus" bill.  Why not put himself (Obama) in a position to take credit for it?  What do you think?

While he's at it, Obama can take credit for a lot of this, too!


Why go for a Porkulus sequel?  

by Ed Morrissey

Dan Mitchell explains the reason why Barack Obama wants a sequel to Porkulus to pass in early 2010, and it’s not because of the wild success of the original. In the latest of the series of videos for the Center for Freedom and Prosperity, the Cato Institute scholar explains that timing is everything. The normal cycle for post-war recessions lasts 12 months, and we’re already past 24 months in this cycle. The recovery is bound to occur soon, and Obama knows that Porkulus I won’t be credited for a 2010 revival, especially since most of the money got spent in 2009. If he wants credit for rescuing the economy, Obama needs another bill — and another round of deficit spending.

The point about course corrections in economic policy and the timing of their effects is well taken — but in Mitchell’s example, Reagan had to reverse several years’ worth of bad economic policy.  Let’s not pretend that Jimmy Carter caused the decade-long ennui in the 1970s American economy.  It was Richard Nixon who imposed wage and price controls, a Republican whose Democratic descendants didn’t dare go that far in centralizing the American economy.
Reagan also had the right idea, which was to free the markets from that kind of top-down control and planning in order to generate real, organic economic growth.  Obama so far has gone backwards towards a 1970s-style economic approach, which explains in part why this recession has outlasted every other post-WWII recession, and why the recovery will be weak and maybe short-lived.
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Monday, January 25, 2010

Birthers, Baggers & Blow Hards, Oh My

I may sound like a sexist here, but as a Lady I would like to title this video...Beckel vs The Babes...and the Babes won. The best Bob Beckel could do in this interview was call conservatives and the GOP, birthers, baggers and blow hards (at minute 7:18 on video).  But don't just skip over to that portion of the interview because Martha McCallum and Andrea Tantaros do a great job in this debate with Bob.

The interview also goes to prove the point I've been thinking all along...the progressives are not backing down with their agenda.  It's full speed ahead, even if a few moderate Dems are wavering.

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ted Kennedy's Thoughts On Massachusetts Election

Steven Crowder Interviews Ted Kennedy's Ghost


UPDATE: You Won't Believe This Photo

Via: Paul Reveres Riders - Obama Uses Teleprompter For First Grade Audience??? (click for another photo)

h/t: Black and Right

UPDATE:   Snarkey Basterd over at Feed Your ADHD has cleared up the truth about this photo. Apparently, the setting was in a grade school classroom, but the speech was to the press. I used 3 sources for the original post (one which I refer to often and respect).  Snarkey posted it and got feedback as to the real circumstances.

(Side note:  I think it's pretty sad that President Obama has depended on TOTUS so much, that we would actually believe he needed it to talk to 1st graders.  It's all Obama's fault!)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Shut Up and Get Out of the Way

Does this guy sound like he has taken anything away from the Brown win? All he does is talk, talk, talk. Americans do not want ObamaCare. It sounds like he has no intention of backing off on his progressive agenda.
America wants jobs, President Obama. All the talking you do is not creating jobs. Shut up and get out of the way.

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UPDATE: Sarah Palin Will Campaign For John McCain

I was disappointed when I heard that Sarah Palin is going to campaign for Senator John McCain's re-election in Arizona.  The only thing I can think of is that she made a promise to him.  I am guessing the reason is that Gov. Palin is a woman of her word and will not back away from her commitment.

Grassroots voters are not supporters of John McCain and are not happy with Gov. Palin's decision.  McCain may have a challenger in the primary, former Congressman J.D. Hayworth.  Hayworth is outspoken against illegal immigration, and we all know where McCain stands on that...amnesty.  This is probably what is going to happen because it has been announced that Congressman Hayworth has left his radio gig and plans on public service.  If this is the case, then there is a very good chance McCain will lose a GOP primary to Hayworth, even with Gov. Palin's support.

When I read the article by Michelle Malkin below, I had no idea that McCain had a PAC that was supporting RINOs...of course, I'm not really surprised.  But the straw that broke the camel's back is the fact that McCain's PAC is supporting the RINO I am dead set on having defeated in the FL GOP primary for U.S. Senate in August...Charlie Crist.  I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

I thank John McCain for his service to our country and respect his courage and strength to survive being a prisoner of war in Vietnam.  With that being said, it's time for Senator McCain to retire.  Lately he has spoken up loudly against ObamaCare on the floor of the Senate and I have even remarked that I wish he would have been that outspoken against Obama during the 2008 election cycle.  I fear he is now realizing that in order to be re-elected, he must put on a conservative act.  It's just too late.

And Senator McCain has another supporter...Senator-elect Scott Brown.  Again, I am guessing that McCain was smart enough to support Brown in his quest to win the seat Ted Kennedy held for many years and now Brown is supporting McCain as payback.  Oh well...

Via:  Michelle Malkin

The question isn’t why Sarah Palin is helping John McCain. The question is: What are you doing to stop him from cementing his Big Government Republican legacy?

Conservatives Beware of McCain Regression Syndrome
by Michelle Malkin
Pay attention: In the afterglow of the Massachusetts Miracle, there are flickers of peril for The Right. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but like Paul Revere’s midnight-message, consider this warning “a cry of defiance, and not of fear.” Conservatives have worked hard over the past year to rebuild after Big Government Republican John McCain’s defeat. But McCain isn’t going gently into that good night.


UPDATE:  Sol over at  The Wisdom of Soloman has posted an article with a great comparison between John McCain and J.D. Hayworth. It's worth stopping by to learn about the policies of these two men.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pelosi Admits...It's A No-Go

Nancy Pelosi now admits that the House does not have the votes to pass the Senate Health Care Bill in it's present form. Good news! Their plans to have a bill for Obama to announce at the State of the Union address next week are DOA.  More work will be needed to cobble together something the Congress can agree on, if that is at all possible.  It's looking more grim every day.

The election of Scott Brown to the U.S. Senate is just a start. We mustn't get overly confident that the Left have "seen the light" and are now going to stop their plans to push the progressive agenda. They will try to pacify us and lull us into submission with their conciliatory not fall for it.

So, a bump in the road has occurred and it may be the death of ObamaCare, or be the start a very watered down version of what they originally wanted to pass. This is good news. But it's temporary for now, and don't put it past Nancy, Harry & Barry to pick themselves up, brush themselves off and start all over again.

Pelosi: House lacks votes to OK Senate health bill

WASHINGTON – Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that she lacks the votes to quickly move the Senate's sweeping health overhaul bill through the House, a potentially devastating blow to President Barack Obama's signature issue.
Pelosi, D-Calif., made the comment to reporters after House Democrats held a closed-door meeting at which participants vented frustration with the Senate's massive version of the legislation.
Her concession meant there was little hope for a White House-backed plan to quickly push the Senate-approved health bill through the House, followed by a separate measure making changes sought by House members, such as easing the Senate's tax on higher-cost health plans. Such an approach would be "problematic," she said.
"In its present form without any changes I don't think it's possible to pass the Senate bill in the House," Pelosi said, adding, "I don't see the votes for it at this time."
Pelosi's remarks signaled that advancing health legislation through Congress will likely be a lengthy process — despite Democrats' desire for a quick election-year pivot to address jobs and the economy, which polls show are the public's top concern.
"We're not in a big rush," Pelosi said. "Pause, reflect."

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thank You Massachusetts

To the citizens of Massachusetts:
Please accept our sincere thanks for standing up for liberty and freedom. With the election of Scott Brown, you have sent a message to Congress that We The People demand our voices be heard.

Congratulations to Scott Brown and the people of Massachusetts.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Barney Frank Wants To Change The Rules

Democrats think nothing of changing the rules when it's in their favor.

"God didn't create the filibuster."

Lady Di Shares Some Photos From MA

Check out the QuickWit Blog. Lady Di shares her observations and some photos from her town in Massachusetts.

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UPDATE: Pelosi Plans To Ram ObamaCare Down Our Throats Whether or Not Scott Brown Wins

Sounds like Nancy is still planning to shove ObamaCare down our throats whether or not Scott Brown wins today. One way would be for the House Dems to vote on and approve the Senate bill as it is with no changes and then send it up to Obama for signature.  According to the article below, that may not be possible with all of the differences the Dems have with the bill.

It sure sounds like Pelosi has something up her sleeve, or is she just delusional?  I don't put anything past her.  She will use whatever strong arm tactics there are to get the House Dems to do her bidding.  She can always promise to tweak the bill after it's passed...a little at a time.  Whatever it takes.  You heard her say, "...this is the opportunity of a generation...".  Is she going to let this chance of a lifetime slip through her claws?  We'll see, but the Dems are dead set on turning health care into a "right" whether we like it or not.

UPDATE: As per a comment I received from emptynester, reconciliation can be another method to pass ObamaCare. Via: BusinessWeek

Side note:  Did you notice the lady reporter nodding her head in agreement with Pelosi throughout the entire interview?  Just thought that really defines the lock-step with the Dems.


Here we go: Dems to ask House to ping-pong Senate ObamaCare bill 

by Allahpundit

An update to this morning’s AP story, which confirmed that the Dems were considering it. Everyone but everyone, from The One on down to Captain Tingles, concedes that tomorrow’s vote is a referendum on ObamaCare. But just in case the vote doesn’t go their way, they’re going to ram it down your throat anyway.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Martin Luther King, Jr. Remembrance - January 18, 2010

Martin Luther King, Jr.
Via:  The Heritage Foundation:  Morning Bell
Author: Julia Shaw

On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. stood at the Lincoln Memorial and admonished America to return to its First Principles. In his I Have a Dream Speech, he announced his dream that “one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.'” He longed to see a day when all “would be guaranteed the ‘unalienable Rights’ of ‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.’" Dr. King did not talk about remaking America. His dream was one which, in his words, was “deeply rooted in the American dream.” It hearkened back to the principles upon which our country was founded. It was not a rejection of our past, but a vision of hope based on the principles of our past.

Dr. King held firm to the truths of the Declaration of Independence in a time when the situation of African Americans appeared hopeless. Based on a series of arbitrary and unjust policies, African Americans were denied basic protections of the rule of law. Segregation prevented access to public accommodations, and many were reduced to poverty as a result of these injustices. Dr. King did not ask African Americans to be satisfied with their condition, nor did he denounce America as an unjust nation. Instead, Dr. King assured his listeners that their circumstances were contrary to America’s creed. He used the central principle of the Declaration – natural human equality – as a rallying cry for civil rights.

Dr. King held that the principle of human equality is the foundation of the Declaration’s statement of natural rights. We are all equal because we all participate in a common human nature. Since we are all equal, we are all entitled to the basic rights that are derived from human nature. From these First Principles, Dr. King understood that all Americans—regardless of skin color—should have access to the rule of law, public accommodations, and thereby have the ability to pursue economic opportunities and, ultimately, happiness.

But Dr. King did not think that the principle of equality meant that everyone should be treated the same. He sought equality of rights and equality before the law, not equality of outcomes or equality as a result. For Dr. King, justice was when a person is judged “by the content of their character” rather than by arbitrary considerations such as skin color.  Dr. King did not mean that we should treat people of good character and bad character the same. Actual equality is achieved when arbitrary standards are replaced by meaningful criteria such as talent and virtue. A just country, in Dr. King’s vision, is one in which people are rewarded for acting well.

As Americans, we should take this lesson from Martin Luther King Jr. to heart: we should look to our First Principles to guide us through our current political problems. In his latest book, We Still Hold These Truths: Rediscovering Our Principles, Reclaiming Our Future, Matthew Spalding articulates ten core principles of America that define our national creed and explain our common purpose: These principles are equality, natural rights, consent of the governed, religious liberty, private property, rule of law, constitutionalism, self governmentand independence. Spalding writes:

Only when we know these principles once again can we renew America. Only when we understand the significance of these principles can we grasp the nobility of our accomplishments as a people and see how far we have strayed off our course as a nation. Only then can we realize the societal choices before us and begin to develop a strategy to reclaim our future.

The future of America rests on returning to its First Principles. We face an unprecedented expansion of government power and a new kind of tyranny - a softer, bureaucratic tyranny. As we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, let us rely on our First Principles as a guide for the challenges we face ahead.

Martin Luther King's Conservative Legacy
The Conservative Virtues of Dr. Martin Luther King

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Obama Admits His Agenda Is Doomed Without Coakley

President Obama admits it himself...without Martha Coakley, his agenda is doomed.  With his own words, Obama has helped motivate the electorate to get out and vote.  But I think the electorate he helped motivate to get out to vote, is the electorate who is already planning to vote for Scott Brown.  His words are an affirmation of what we already knew, Obama's agenda can be stalled, and hopefully stopped, with the election of Scott Brown.

Support Scott Brown for U.S. Senate.  Our liberty and freedom depend on it.


Jim Hoft
Obama warned Boston voters today that Martha Coakley must win or his socialist experiment to remake American banking, energy, and health care, etc. will be doomed.

 President Barack Obama: “We’ve got so much work left to do. And, as much progress as we’ve made, I can’t do it alone. I need leaders like Martha by my side so that we can kick it into high gear; so that we can finish what we’ve started.”
FOX News analyst Carl Cameron: For what’s at stake. President Obama himself has now said that he needs this win because the country’s ability to move forward or back is at stake. A broad sweeping statement that essentially encompasses not only his health care agenda, his economic plans, as well as his green energy proposals. All of these things hinging on whether or not Martha Coakley is elected as a democrat, thus protecting the 60 vote majority.”
Hmm… I thought he already kicked it into high gear? What was 2009 about, then?
That is absolutely frightening.
Go Scott Brown.
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Saturday, January 16, 2010

The End of Change As We Know It?

According to Ed Schultz from MSNBC's "Ed Show":

"I think it`s just an unbelievable scenario that`s playing out and don`t kid yourselves, folks, this could derail the rest of the Obama agenda for 2010 and beyond."

"The way the political winds are turning right now is absolutely amazing," he continued.

"If the tea party-endorsed candidate nabs Ted Kennedy`s seat in Massachusetts it`s the end of change as we know it"

We can only hope!

Via: Newsbusters

The Left is getting scared folks.  Americans are waking up to the fact that Obama and his administration are taking us down the wrong road...even in a blue state like Massachusetts.
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Coakley's Husband's Union Endorses Brown - Ouch!

Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley ...Image via Wikipedia

Ouch!  This has got to hurt!


Coakley Senate Candidate Husband's Union Endorses Scott Brown
Cambridge, MA- Martha Coakley's latest setback in the Senate Special Election comes from her husbands union. The Cambridge Police Patrol Officers have voted overwhelmingly to back Senate Candidate Scott Brown.
Coakley's husband's union, a retired Cambridge Police Officer, has provided their endorsement to Scott Brown.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Some Inspiration For The Weekend

It's the weekend and I am tired of politics.  Friends of mine, Bill & Loretta, sent me a beautiful and inspirational video I just had to share with you.  Sit back and be prepared to smile, and maybe wipe a tear away.

Meet Patrick Henry Hughes and his Dad.

Take Precautions Before Donating To Ensure Your Money Goes To The Real Deal

Residents sleep in the street after an earthquake in Port-au-Prince. January 2010.
Photo by REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz

Americans are the most generous people in the world, and when it comes to a tragedy like the earthquake in Haiti, we are more than willing to do our part to help. There are many ways we can donate to this most worthy cause, but be careful where you send your hard earned money.

The links below give some sound advice before you reach into your wallet.

Via: Bucks Blogs


Via: Better Business

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ClimateGate Hoaxer Receives $500,000 Grant From Stimulus Bill Funds

Hey, don't worry that the stimulus package didn't go to shovel ready projects to produce jobs for Americans.  Obama gave some of that money to one of the hoaxers in the Climategate scandal.  He's sure to spend it wisely.

by Mike Flynn

The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (the Stimulus Bill) has been such an epic failure, that even the mainstream media has started to notice. The White House has tacitly acknowledged this and recently announced that it would no longer ‘count’ jobs ‘created or saved’ by the Stimulus. The basic problem is that the bulk of the spending went to programs or projects that have nothing to do with economic growth.
The latest example of this is a $500,000 grant to Michael Mann, Professor at Penn State University and unintended c0-star of the ClimateGate e-mail scandal. The leaked e-mails revealed collaboration among scientists to stifle dissenting views on the extent of man-made global warming.
Mann is also the creator of the “Hockey Stick” graph, which purported to show a sharp increase in recent temperatures. That work has been thoroughly discredited by researcher Stephen McIntyre. Yet, in June 2009, the National Science Foundation awarded Mann a three-year $500,000 to further study the climate’s response to human activity. According to the grant award:

The broader impacts involve supporting postdoctoral scholars and graduate students and contributing to the understanding of abrupt climate change.
So, the research is supposed to give us a better ‘understanding of abrupt climate change.’ Mind you, the research isn’t to determine whether there is abrupt climate change occurring. Given that Mann is known for using “tricks” to finesse his data, the National Science Foundation will not be pleased with the results.
Actually, this particular grant is special, even by the low-bar set by other spending. Most of the Stimulus funds are simply wasted with no real impact on the overall economy. However, Mann’s “research” will presumably be used to further justify cap-and-trade legislation or other draconian regulatory actions. Either of these will have a very negative impact on the economy, retarding growth for years to come.
We may be paying for this $500,000 for a very long time.

According to, the National Center for Public Policy Research has put out a press release requesting that the funds be returned to the U.S. Treasury.  (I hope they're not holding their breath.)

Here's a show you might like to catch.  Last night as TC Guy was flipping around the TV stations, he found the Science Channel.  The show was called Hot Planet.  Here's the info on the show: 

Hot Planet
The effects of climate change -- massive storms, superfires and rising seas -- are potentially catastrophic. But they are not yet inevitable. This film looks at the future of global warming, and what man -- and science -- can still do to stop it.

And low and behold, who is the first person we see in this global warming propaganda film?  Science Czar John Holdren.  One scare scenario after another came up on the screen, including NYC being destroyed by floods...with lots of ominous, spooky music to boot.

The ClimateGate scandal means nothing to Obama.   He rewards the lying, hoaxer, so-called "scientist" by giving him hundreds of thousands of dollars and his "science czar" is on TV preaching global warming myths. And throw the Cap & Tax bill in, too.  More proof that the truth is not what Obama seeks.  He knows the truth, but it gets in the way of his true plans...the plan of global reparations and the destruction of our republic.

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Does Mika Brzezinski Need A History Lesson?

When asked by Glenn Beck who Sarah Palin's favorite Founding Father is, she claimed "all of them" but that "George Washington raises to the top". So, George Washington is her favorite.

Flash forward to the MS-NBC Morning Joe anchorette, Mika Brzezinski, criticizing Gov. Palin's response.  Listen to the video carefully...sounds to me like Ms. Brzezinski needs a history lesson. Did Mika Brzezinski pick "Lincoln" as her favorite Founding Father? Sure sounds like it to me.

 “Wow, uuummm… Wow, I just need to, let me just process, okay,” Brzezinski remarked in response to the clip. Later Buchanan chimed in, “I would’ve gone with Hamilton, myself, Joe.” Shortly thereafter Brzezinski said from off-camera, “Me, Linc-, Lincoln, but okay.” Sarcastic joke? Or startling lack of elementary knowledge of American history? Hard to tell…

Also, notice the headline at the bottom of the screen..."The Fantastic Mrs. Fox" and the mocking comments about Sarah Palin made by the other commentators. 

All I can do is shake my head and wonder what these fools will think when Fox's ratings continue to go through the roof and Gov. Palin's supporters multiply.  I'm sure the onslaught of bashing will continue in their attempts to marginalize her.  Sad, little people.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Embryonic Stem Cell Research Fails

It is now a fact...embryonic stem cell research is a failure and can be dangerous.


California's Proposition 71 Failure

Bioethics: Five years after a budget-busting $3 billion was allocated to embryonic stem cell research, there have been no cures, no therapies and little progress. So supporters are embracing research they once opposed.

Chris Matthews and His Empty Head

This video shows Chris Matthews speaking with the authors of the new book "Game Change".  This book tells stories about the 2008 presidential election.  Of course, the only stories Chris Matthews was really interested in were the ones about Sarah Palin.  Listen to his tirade and then answer this question..."Who really has the empty head?".

Via:  Newsbusters

Matthews: Neo-Cons Took Cruise to Alaska to Find Empty Headed Palin

Provoked by charges made in Game Change that Sarah Palin had to be tutored in basic foreign policy facts, Chris Matthews, on Tuesday's Hardball, took shot after shot at the former vice presidential candidate's intelligence as he wondered, "Is it possible that her head was really that empty?...Has she ever taken an SAT afternoon exam?" and mocked "Don't put her on Jeopardy!"
Matthews invited on Game Change co-authors John Heilemann and Mark Halperin to chat about various nuggets from the book but it was their stories about Palin that got the MSNBC host revved up, as he painted an absurd picture of neo-cons taking a "cruise" to Alaska where they found Palin "standing at the docks with an empty head saying, 'I'm willing to say what you want me to say.'" [audio available here]
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Crist Loses Straw Poll In His Own County - Rubio Wins 106-54

FORT LAUDERDALE, FL - MAY 14:  Florida Governo...Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Things don't look so good for RINO Charlie Crist in his bid to win the Florida GOP primary for U.S. Senate against Marco Rubio.   It's pretty bad when you can't win a straw poll in your own county, and that is what just happened to Gov. Crist...lost the straw poll to Rubio in Pinellis County...106-54.  I know, it's just a straw poll, but Rubio has been winning them all across the state. has a post predicting Gov. Crist will drop out of the U.S. Senate race because he sees the writing on the wall.  I guess that's a possibility, but then I fear he may run again for governor.  There better be a conservative in the wings ready to challenge him in a primary if that ever happens.

The Associated Press  

CLEARWATER, Fla. -- Republican activists in Gov. Charlie Crist's home county voted 106-54 to support former House Speaker Marco Rubio in the U.S. Senate primary.
Monday night's straw poll was the 11th conducted by a county Republican committee and Rubio has won them all.
The fact that Crist lost in Pinellas County, which he represented in the state Senate and where he's lived nearly all his life, can't be a good sign for Crist.
Straw polls are symbolic and carry no weight in the actual election, but do reflect growing support Rubio has with party conservatives.
And, as Crist often points out, they represent a small number of voters - Pinellas has nearly 220,000 Republicans and 4 million are registered statewide.
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Monday, January 11, 2010

UPDATE Video: Sarah Palin Joins Fox News

Update h/t Conservatives4Palin:  Video - Sarah Palin debuts on Fox News tomorrow night on The O'Reilly Factor: 
The liberals will be have a field day using clips of her appearances to criticize and mock her.  Their lameness and desperation will be obvious for all to see.  This is going to be interesting.
Via: Fox

Palin to Join Fox News as Contributor

2008 Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin is joining Fox News as a contributor, the news channel announced Monday.
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Sharpton Defends Reid...Coulter Responds

Ann Coulter to Al Sharpton..."Did Reid ask you to stop using your negro dialect, too?"

h/t Gateway Pundit

I'm glad Ann Coulter is on the side of conservativism.
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Dear Mr. Gorbachev

h/t Tucker Carlson's new website: The Daily Caller

Switzerland's Unique System of National Defense - Guns and Training Given To All Men

I found this video very interesting.  Maybe we should take a lesson from the Swiss.  (Makes me want to head back to the shooting range.)

Via:  The 9/12 Apparently Switzerland Agrees With Our 2nd Amendment

Info from YouTube video:
When thinking about the mass extermination camps of a holocaust think..

The key to freedom is to be able to have the ability to defend yourself &, if you dont have the tools to do that, then youre going to be at the mercy of whomever wants to put you away.

Guns are deeply rooted within Swiss culture - but the gun crime rate is so low that statistics are not even kept.

The country has a population of six million, but there are estimated to be at least two million publicly-owned firearms, including about 600,000 automatic rifles and 500,000 pistols.

This is in a very large part due to Switzerland's unique system of national defence, developed over the centuries.

Instead of a standing, full-time army, the country requires every man to undergo some form of military training for a few days or weeks a year throughout most of their lives.

Between the ages of 21 and 32 men serve as frontline troops. They are given an M-57 assault rifle and 24 rounds of ammunition which they are required to keep at home.

Once discharged, men serve in the Swiss equivalent of the US National Guard, but still have to train occasionally and are given bolt rifles. Women do not have to own firearms, but are encouraged to.

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Horrible Harry Better Hope ObamaCare Covers Foot-In-Mouth Disease

Some white liberal Democrats sure have a way with words, especially when describing someone of another race.  For example, Joe Biden has suffered from "foot-in-mouth" disease with this gem about people from India. Joe really stuck his size 11's down his throat when he described Prez BO this way.

Now another high ranking white liberal Democrat has to make his mea culpa. Good old Horrible Harry Reid apparently wasn't being very politically correct when he uttered this doozy as he described Prez BO as a "light skinned" African-American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one" .  Whoa, Negro dialect unless he wanted to have one???  Good grief, imagine if Sarah Palin said that during the presidential campaign.  

Harry thought Trent Lott didn't have any other alternative but to resign his position as majority leader after he complimented Strom Thurmon at his 100th birthday party.  Will Good Ole' Harry take his own advice and follow suit for making such an insensitive racial remark?  (I can't believe I just asked that question.)


Reid to Obama: Sorry for 'no Negro dialect' remark


WASHINGTON — Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid apologized on Saturday for saying the race of Barack Obama — whom he described as a "light skinned" African-American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one" — would help rather than hurt his eventual presidential bid.
Obama quickly accepted, saying "As far as I am concerned, the book is closed." Reid, facing a tough re-election bid this year, spent the day telephoning civil rights leaders and fellow Democrats in hopes of mitigating the political damage.
The revelations about Reid's 2008 comments were included in the book "Game Change" by Time Magazine's Mark Halperin and New York magazine's John Heilemann. The behind-the-scenes look at the 2008 campaign that elevated Obama to the White House is based on the writers' interviews with more than 200 sources, most of whom were granted anonymity and thus much of the material could not be immediately corroborated.  Read more...
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NY Dems Say KSM Trial Too "Risky"...A Day Late and a Dollar Short

Nothing like a bunch of Dems coming out of the woodwork to voice an opinion after the dirty deed is done.

Now that it has been decided to hold the KSM trial in NYC with an estimated cost of $200 million dollars PER YEAR, 19 New York Democrats have decided that NYC can not afford the trial.  Not only that, they also have the gall to now say that it's very dangerous to hold the trials in NYC and that because many people lost family and friends on 9/11 it will be traumatic, therefore the Federal government should provide the needed funds to keep everyone safe.  They have written a letter asking the Federal government for full reimbursement of the costs.

Where were these self-serving b*stards when the subject first came up?  Could it be a little CYA was taking place at the time?  Now that costs are being estimated they speak up to show the citizens of NYC that they're on their side.  BS.  Sounds to me like a plan just waiting to happen.

This is just my "conspiracy theory", but could it be Obama promised them the money all along?  Told the Dems in NY to agree to have the trial in NYC (or just don't oppose it) and he'll cover the cost in the end.  Did Obama give these 19 Dems a chance to look like heroes while he gets what he wanted...the chance to put President Bush and his administration on trial along with KSM?

Will this letter convince Prez BO to pay up?  Or was this the plan from the beginning?  What do you think?

New York Democrats: Trying KSM in NYC is Kind of Risky

Posted by Brian Faughnan

Remember back when Charlie Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand, and the rest of the New York Democrats thought that trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in New York City posed no significant security risk? Remember how they said we could easily guarantee the safety of New Yorkers whose memories of 9/11 remained fresh? Well, apparently they’re suddenly worried, because now they’re concerned enough about costs that they’re demanding the federal government pay billions for it:


Shades Of Things To Come - Most Evidence Thrown Out on Gitmo Detainee

Get ready folks.  Once the terrorists start coming over from GITMO to the United States to be put on trial, we are going to be reading more stories like this one.


Judge Tosses Out Most Evidence on Gitmo Detainee
WASHINGTON (AP) - A federal judge has tossed out most of the government's evidence against a terrorism detainee on grounds his confessions were coerced, allegedly by U.S. forces, before he became a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay. In a ruling this week, U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan also said the government failed to establish that 23 statements the detainee made to interrogators at Guantanamo Bay were untainted by the earlier coerced statements made while he was held under harsh conditions in Afghanistan.


Friday, January 8, 2010

The Barack Obama Musical...HOPE...Really

It was just a matter of time before Prez BO would be immortalized in a comedy musical story called, "HOPE".  Looks like Germany will get the honor of premiering the show.  This is not a joke.

Via: Black and Right


Life in the White House may be no Cabaret, but a musical documenting Barack Obama's road to the Presidency is set to premiere in Germany later this month, and will feature the 2008 campaign players as they sing and dance their way to November. The show, titled Hope: The Obama musical Story, documents Obama's journey to the White House during the 2008 campaign. Actor Jimmie Wilson plays Barack Obama, and Della Miles plays Michelle Obama.

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