Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What A $75 Gift Card Will Buy The Bureau of Engraving & Printing

$40,000 seems like a drop in the bucket when all we hear about now is the Federal Government spending Trillions of dollars. The Feds don't know how to spend our money fast enough. Not only does our tax dollars pay for the equipment used by Federal employees, but now it's being used to bribe Federal employees to return the equipment our tax dollars bought in the first place. Confusing? Well not to the Bureau of Printing and Engraving who is doing just that. They are running their own version of "Cash For Clunkers".   Maybe we can call it "Pennies for Printers"

FoxNews.com article:
Rep. Issa Questions Plan to Pay Government Workers for Government Property
A top House Republican is taking a hard look at a program in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing that would give hundreds of senior employees $75 gift cards in exchange for their printers, which the government already owns.
Maybe when you print money all day, it becomes easier to spend. 



  1. Unfrickin' real. And you know government workers are probably stealing ink cartridges and toner refills.

  2. Well, I'm sure the ink cartridges for the printers are supplied by the government...that alone is a big ticket item. I cringe everytime I am forced to purchase new ink for my printer. I spend more on the ink than I did on the printer.

  3. Facepalm became facedesk!

    Paying folks to return their presumably stolen government property? That would be like paying a corrupt organization to run housing programs and help with the census...oh wait!

  4. Matt:
    I don't think the printers are stolen...just overused. The bureau thinks they will save money by using the network printer. I can't imagine that spending $40K on gift cards is "saving money" and there is no justifiable reason to bribe government employees so they won't use office equipment. Typical liberals...don't offend anyone...try to bribe them.


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