Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Chris Matthews: West Point Is The Enemy Camp

h/t GatewayPundit.com Chris Matthews Calls West Point The Enemy Camp

Via NewsBusters.
Chris Matthews:

“I watched the cadets, they were young kids – men and women who were committed to serving their country professionally it must be said, as officers. And, I didn’t see much excitement. But among the older people there, I saw, if not resentment, skepticism. I didn’t see a lot of warmth in that crowd out there. The president chose to address tonight and I thought it was interesting. He went to maybe the enemy camp tonight to make his case.
My take:

Imagine these three Lefty-loons analyzing the reaction of the young West Point Cadets who had to sit through Prez BO's preaching to them about the war and his "strategy" to win it.  Three state-controlled talking heads who probably think the Cadets are stupid for wanting to serve their country by enlisting in the service.

No wonder the Cadets were less than thrilled. Not to mention the "older people" in the audience.

This is their Community Organizer-In-Chief  Commander-In-Chief...a guy who:

Second guesses his Commanders on the ground; takes 3 months to decide what he is going to do about Afghanistan while our troops are being killed; goes out there and basically blames all of the problems on President Bush (a man who kept us safe for 7-1/2 years and who the military loves); gives our enemy the upper hand by telling them we will be leaving the battlefield in 18 months; complains that the war costs too much and our economy can't handle it while at the same time is running our deficit into the trillions of dollars; is targeting our own Navy Seals for "possiby" giving a terrorist a bloody lip; is planning on closing GITMO; claims that America tortured terrorists; is putting the 9/11 co-conspirator terrorists on trial in NYC in a civilian court where they may get off; is willing to jeopardize our national security for his domestic agenda; and is turning our country into a banana republic.

I would be a little "less than excited"...not to mention "skeptical". I wouldn't have been showing much "warmth" either. The polite applause was hard enough to handle...showing enthusiasm for this Imposer-In-Chief would have been asking a little too much.  This is the person who they have to TRUST to do all in his power to uphold their sacrifice.

And Chris...West Point is not the "enemy camp"...unless, of course, the person addressing them does not have the best interests of America at heart...(and that's putting it mildly).

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  1. Matthews is a bullying a-hole. He profits from the politics of division and this really isn't a surprise. With Obama in power, they feel their true colors can come out.

  2. So, the real enemy camp accuses the people willingly serving their country in a time of war of being an enemy camp?

  3. Bill:
    True...they are not one bit apprehensive about spewing their true beliefs since Obama got elected. Unfortunately, true journalism is dead.

  4. Matthew's comment proves that HE IS the enemy camp. These young people are destined to be our staunchest defenders. Americans know that and honor them. Matthews is a pig!

  5. Opie:
    Well said. Chris Matthews and his ilk are the "enemy" and continue to prove it every day in their words and action.

  6. What can I say? a lot of us are tied of all this. I know I'm out as soon as I can.

  7. Trestin:
    I fear that our military will lose a lot of good people. When we have a pResident isn't determined to WIN a war and is willing to set deadlines, the military can get disheartened.


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