Saturday, November 28, 2009

ClimateGate...Must See Videos

Today I am linking to the Barking Spider Blog.  He has a great post on ClimateGate, which includes several interesting videos.  To read his post and watch all 4 videos, you can go to his site at:

Climate Change - The Truth Will Out!!

I've lifted 2 of the videos that I found extremely interesting and hope you take a few minutes to watch.

Greg Gutfeld of Fox News Channel's Red Eye interviews, John Coleman, founder of The Weather Channel.  Mr. Coleman explains how the global warming hoax began.  He also wants to sue Al Gore for fraud.  Personally, I think that's a great idea.

In this video, Alex Jones (radio host) gives his thoughts on ClimateGate, what's been found and how the biggest hoax in history is imploding before our eyes.  I sure hope he's right.

Alex Jones website:

Here's a video I found myself where Senator James Inhofe (R-OK), a global warming critic, is being interviewed by some idiot on CNBC, apparently a substitue host for Larry Kudlow.

The state-controlled media is not reporting on this extremely important, world changing story or are playing it down.  Obviously, because it is not in line with the Left's plans for our country and the world...globalization and the redistribution of wealth.

Keep the information flowing!

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  1. Good grief, TCL, that Climate Czar would be much better just blowing her head off instead as there doesn't appear to be anything inside it worth keeping!

  2. Spidey:
    Not much in there at all...just a lot of propaganda.

  3. Who is this Carol Browner person ? Is she like our fake 'baroness' Ashton (nee Ashtray ) Foreign Minister of the EU, bundled into the job because no-one else wanted it or does she have a powerbase of her own and a proper CV?

  4. Banned:
    Left a link for you at your blog with info on Browner.


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