Saturday, November 28, 2009

UPDATE: Anti-Climate Change Hoax Ads For Your Blog

This is a British advertisement against global warming. It is a classic example of what these evil liars are doing to our children...scaring them to death. Watch the video and then read Barking Spider's post that I link to below the video. He has some anti-global warming hoax ads by Grumpy Old Twat, some based on this video advertisement. Let's post some of the ads on our blogs to get the message across that we are not falling for the global warming hoax.

Go to Barking Spider's Blog and see the anti-climate change ads. I am putting these 2 ads in my sidebar, but there are several from which to choose.
Barking Spider:  Anti Climate Change Campaign

UPDATE: Thanks to Banned, here is the American rebuttal to the video above. This is good.


  1. This is great, TCL, thanks very much for your help, it is much appreciated.


  2. We all exhale CO2. I don't think that is anything to be ashamed of.

  3. Spidey:
    It's my pleasure. The more people protest this hoax, the better.

  4. Opie:
    You will have to pay carbon credits for your exhalations pretty soon.

  5. TCL, here is an amusing American rebuttal of that horrid propaganda vid.

    btw, not seen anyone mentioning that back in the olden days when there was lots more C02 in the atmosphere all the animals got big and scary, Dinosaurs, Giant Dragonflies, that sort of thing.

    Any biologists out there care to explain why the Biosphere ( ie Life ) increases with extra C02 ?

  6. Hi TCL
    Many thanks for all your support in helping to spread my alternative Act On Co2 Ads. I've really tried hard to do something constructive with this. Something that will, hopefully, make a difference ;-)

  7. I saw on a news report from Russia, on the RL channel, that even Russian scientists think the whole climate change hoax is just that, a lie and a scam and a hoax.
    Thanks for posting this, I put a link on my blog too, TCL!

  8. Banned:
    Thanks for the video. As you can see, I updated my post with it. I also used it as the link when someone clicks on G.O.T.'s global warming hoax ads in my sidebars.

    Hey, maybe THAT's the reason they want to get rid of CO2...they're afraid Godzilla might return.

    These con men/women don't give a rat's behind about CO2...they're out for the power and the bucks.

  9. Bunni:
    With all of the lies being exposed, I would imagine that some honest people who were legitimately fooled by the climate change hoax will admit that they are changing their minds.
    I hope some in our Congress will be compelled to vote against cap & tax for this reason...I really hope so.

  10. G.O.T.:
    My pleasure. I think it's a very good idea. The 2 that I put in my sidebars link to the Cap & Trade Bedtime Story.
    I hope others decide to use them in their blogs, too.
    Good job and keep up the fight. This hoax must be stopped NOW.
    Thanks for stopping by!


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