Friday, October 23, 2009

Cheney Says Obama is "Dithering" on War Policy

Here's the White House response via Politico.


  1. Bravo! Bravo! Let them have it. We know the Obama administration is lying because this is one of the reasons they asked Robert Gates to stay on as Sec of Defense.

  2. Always loved Cheney. Wish he was a little younger and healthier, then he could run and wipe the floor with Obama. He could do it easily.

  3. Bill & Candle:
    Thank God Vice President Cheney is willing to speak out and tell the truth. I am sick and tired of Obama blaming the Bush Administration for everything going on now.

  4. Cheney was able to pick the Obama administration apart item by item, quoting Obama and citing specific points put forward by Obama's team, and then Gibbs turned around and tried to paint an overall picture of the Bush years, offering no specifics and making statements that can not be proven by documents or quotes.

    Typical, yet unbelievable.

  5. The Obama administration takes no responsibility for anything that goes wrong in the country. VP Cheney is a good man and I am glad he's on our side, willing and able to speak out.

  6. This delay is affecting me personally. I'm in my window to choose orders but find myself waiting to decide if I should go to Afghanistan or somewhere else. If he does not make his mind soon I'm going to be in a tough spot.

  7. Trestin:
    I find it inconceivable that Obama can continue to put off making a decision so important, while he's off making campaign speeches, having parties at the WH and waging "war" against news networks and radio personalities.
    I pray for him to make the right decision and I'll keep you in my prayers. You and all of the troops deserve better.

  8. Well, at least today he had time do declare the flu an emergency, so he can fear monger people into health care.

    Never let a good crisis go to waste..

  9. Sol:
    It's such an emergency, and all I'm hearing is that there isn't any H1N1 vaccine to spare.
    My doctor didn't even have the regular flu shot to give me.


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