Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Fence Test

Photo Via:  ePlaya

I received this test from my friend, Carl.  Sounds about right.  If you don't like the Republican/Democrat labels, just use Conservative/Liberal instead.

You can't get any more accurate than this!

Which side of the fence?

If you ever wondered which side of the fence you sit on, this
is a great test!

If a Republican doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.
If a Democrat doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

If a Republican is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.
If a Democrat is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.

If a Republican is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a Democrat is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.

If a Republican is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation.
A Democrat wonders who is going to take care of him.

If a Republican doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Democrats demand that those they don't like be shut down.

If a Republican is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.
A Democrat non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.

If a Republican decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.
A Democrat demands that the rest of us pay for his.

If a Republican reads this, they'll forward it so their friends can have a good laugh.
A Democrat will delete it because he's "offended".

Thursday, April 26, 2012

UPDATE: Entire Documentary Posted - Rumors of War III Video Highlight - How Badly has the US been Infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood

I've just upgraded my GBTV subscription so that I could watch the latest documentary, "Rumors of War III". Here is a clip from that documentary. It features the Muslim Brotherhood and how it has infiltrated the White House.

This is information we will never hear in the main stream media.  If facts like this aren't enough motivation to remove the current administration, I don't know what is. Show it to your undecided friends.

UPDATE: Thanks to The Daily Beck 2, here is the "Rumors of War III" Documentary in it's entirety.  Please take the time to watch this video and share it.  This is frightening.  For more information, check out The Blaze.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

True Grit

Allen West, member of the United States House ...

Rep. Allen West (R-FL) certainly is courageous to call out the members of the Progressive Caucus for what they really are.  In an interview with CNN hack, Soledad O'Brien, Rep. West said this:
"At the turn of the century here in the United States of America, American communists renamed themselves progressive, but the strategy and the tactics and the ideology still remains the same," West explained. "When you're a member of a caucus that actually wanted to have a constitutional amendment to redistribute wealth in the United States of America, I don't think that's in keeping with the principles and values of this country."
"I'm calling it this. Communist progressive, Marxist, socialist, statist, which is another term that's been used. I'm looking at the ideologies. I'm looking at the things that they believe in." West said. "And if you don't think we have to stand upon truth and be able to identify and clearly contrast the different principles and values and ideologies and principles of governess here in this country, then we're never going to get to the fact of accepting the true debate that's happening in America." 
Rep. West is absolutely correct.  It's about time all Americans face the fact about who is really running our country. And for a leader with "true grit" to finally come right out and say it...well, that gives me hope.

Go to the link below to see the video:
The 2012 election is going to be a turning point in America.  Do we sit back and let a bunch of Leftist ideologues lead us the rest of the way off the cliff or do we face facts, stand up and fight back to save what's left of our Republic?  As far as I'm concerned, the decision is an easy one.
Susan Brown at has a related article you might like to read:  Is Progressivism the New Communism?

"Soledad O'Brien got her butt whupped..."...oops, there I go again, thinking out load.

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Monday, April 16, 2012

Bob Beckel Just Can't Handle the Truth

This is a classic example of what happens when a Liberal loses it.
Bob Beckel lost it tonight on Hannity and screamed at Neal Boortz, “You don’t know what the f*ck you’re talking about!”  Then he refused to apologize.

Sean Hannity is good friends with Bob Beckel.  I'm sure he could see that this was going to be a problem and tried to give Bob the opportunity to say he was sorry.  Beckel didn't take it tonight, but I bet by tomorrow he'll be appearing on FNC with his tail between his legs, apologizing for the vulgar outburst.

Unfortunately for Bob (and for a lot of little kids and for American taxpayers), truth be told, Head Start is a failure...a $150 Billion Failure:
Unfortunately, a new (long overdue) report published by the Department of Health and Human found that the $150 billion that taxpayers have “invested” in Head Start since 1965 is yielding zero lasting benefits for participating children. According to the Head Start Impact Study: “the benefits of access to Head Start at age four are largely absent by 1st grade for the program population as a whole.” The Heritage Foundation reviews the findings of the new evaluation in a forthcoming Backgrounder report concluding: “Head Start has little to no effect on cognitive, socio-emotional, health, and parenting outcomes of children participating in the program.”
American Thinker:  Head Start: Can a Failed Program Ever Be Killed?


Hack Wilson has a more comprehensive video where Beckel is surprised that he was on the air when he made the outburst and "sort of" apologizes for the foul language.  He then reprimands Hannity for not running his show better.

Side note 1:  Gateway Pundit's post is a bit misleading as they did not include the entire video.  Thanks to Hank Wilson for posting the more comprehensive video.

Side note 2:  Turns out that Beckel was yelling at the lady next to him (not Bortz) as they were coming off of a commercial.  Still, not a very nice way to speak to anyone you disagree with, whether a man or woman.  It was funny watching him squirm after he found out he said it on live TV, all the while blaming Sean.  The lady called him a "typical personal responsibility".  Exactly.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Update: Racism and Hate Exposed - 4/16: Farrakhan Makes Prediction

CHICAGO - MARCH 31:  Minister Louis Farrakhan,...

Last night, GBTV aired an exposé on Louis Farrakhan and The Nation of Islam.  The information found in the videos below will never be discussed in the main stream media because of political correctness and the fear of being accused of racism.

Sean Hannity had a discussion on his TV show last night about the New Black Panthers, another group who bases their rhetoric on hate.  I cannot find a video of this discussion, but what struck me was how Fox contributor, Juan Williams, dismissed the New Black Panthers as a small group that we should not take seriously.  I was horrified that Mr. Williams could be so blasé about people who are encouraging supporters “kill a cracker for Trayvon" and who are forming an army to "kill whitey".

Groups like the New Black Panthers and Farrakhan's Nation of Islam should not be taken lightly.  The videos below expose Louis Farrakhan and the evil he preaches.

Farrakhan: Anti-American Hate
In 1996, Louis Farrakhan embarked on a 20 nation tour of the Middle East and Africa. He met with some of the world’s most brutal dictators. He told the Iranian press, “God will not give Japan or Europe the honor of bringing down the United States; this is an honor God will bestow upon Muslims.” In Iraq, he met with leaders who spoke of attacking the United States. In Libya, he met with his longtime friend Muammar Gaddafi and received the Gaddafi prize for human rights. He defended Gaddafi until his death. Farrakhan regularly preaches hate against the U.S. government, and he believes America will soon have to answer for her injustices.

Farrakhan: Anti-semitism
Louis Farrakhan has a long history of preaching anti-Semitism. He has called Judaism a “dirty religion” and said that the Jewish people should get out of Palestine. He has claimed that Jews have been a part of the oppression of the African American population and that they control America. He has even called Jews “blood suckers” who belong to the “Synagogue of Satan”.

Farrakhan: A 9/11 Truther

Smoke was still rising from the ruins of the World Trade Center, and to the great surprise of man, Louis Farrakhan was passing up an opportunity to kick America while it was down. In his first public remarks on the 9/11 attacks, he condemned what he called a “vicious” and “atrocious” act. But the kinder, gentler Farrakhan wouldn’t last.
Today, Farrakhan is a full-fledged 9/11 Truther. His Nation of Islam sponsored an event called “9/11: What Really Happened and Why.” The theme? That 9/11 was an “inside job” carried out by the Obama Administration and not Osama bin Laden.
Farrakhan’s very public 9/11 denial has been mostly ignored by the mainstream media. Yet it is becoming more and more central to his message that America is a greedy, devious aggressor. So evil, in his view, that it would stage the greatest terrorist atrocity in its history.

Glenn Beck and Erick Stakelbeck discuss Nation of Islam, Progressive ties to Farrakhan
Exposed: Nation of Islam
GBTV contributor Erik Stackelbeck discusses Farrakhan

Farrakhan and The Left
Are there ties between the left and the Nation of Islam

Erick Stakelbeck, GBTV Contributor and Author of The Terrorist Next Door: How the Government is Deceiving You About the Islamist Threat.
UPDATE 4/16:
Farrakhan makes a prediction.
Via:  Glenn
Glenn spent a whole special last week warning viewers about Louis Farrakhan. Well, the Nation of Islam leader is back in the news today, warning that people will be killing their leaders in a few days during a speech at LeMoyne-Owens College in Memphis, TN! Check out the video for the shocking story! 
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Obama Recycled

Video via:  Fox Nation
Obama's recent budget speech recycled the exact same scare tactics he used last year. See the original RNC video showing Obama's State of the Union speeches side-by-side.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

He Never Sleeps

God never sleeps, He never slumbers.

He never tires of hearing our prayer.

When we are weak, He becomes stronger.

So rest in His Love and cast all of your cares on Him.

Wishing my Christian Friends 
a Blessed Easter.
Wishing my Jewish Friends
a Blessed Passover.
God Bless You and Your Families
as you celebrate this year.

My Favorite:  Psalm 121
Feel free to share yours with us.

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Backdoor Amnesty..."Pretty Much a Done Deal"


Looks like President Obama is planning on using another good ol' Executive Order.  Backdoor amnesty...just in time for his next election.
This appears to be part of the Obama Administration’s bigger plan to blow off Congress by using its executive powers to grant illegal immigrants backdoor amnesty. The plan has been in the works for years and in 2010 Texas’s largest newspaper published an exposé about a then-secret DHS initiative that systematically cancelled pending deportations. The remarkable program stunned the legal profession and baffled immigration attorneys who said the government bounced their clients’ deportation even when expulsion was virtually guaranteed.
Via:  Judicial Watch
DHS To Grant Illegal Aliens “Unlawful Presence Waivers”
In its quest to implement stealth amnesty, the Obama Administration is working behind the scenes to halt the deportation of certain illegal immigrants by granting them “unlawful presence waivers.”
The new measure would apply to illegal aliens who are relatives of American citizens. Here is how it would work, according to a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announcement posted in today’s Federal Register, the daily journal of the U.S. government; the agency will grant “unlawful presence waivers” to illegal aliens who can prove they have a relative that’s a U.S. citizen.
Currently such aliens must return to their native country and request a waiver of inadmissibility in an existing overseas immigrant visa process. In other words, they must enter the U.S. legally as thousands of foreigners do on a yearly basis. Besides the obvious security issues, changing this would be like rewarding bad behavior in a child. It doesn’t make sense. 

But the system often causes U.S. citizens to be separated for extended periods from their immediate relatives,” according to the DHS. The proposed changes, first announced in January, will significantly reduce the length of time U.S. citizens are separated from their loved ones while required to remain outside the United States during the current visa processing system.
The administration also claims that relaxing the rule will also “create efficiencies for both the U.S. government and most applicants.” How exactly is not listed in the Federal Register announcement, which gives the public 60 days to comment. That’s only a formality since the DHS has indicated that the change is pretty much a done deal. Read more...