Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Real Liar(s)

The video in this post is a follow-up to my previous post entitled: The Other Gatecrasher. Apparently, Glenn Beck hit a nerve and the other "Gatecrasher" has responded to Glenn's charges that he, Robert Creamer, wrote a book that Prez BO is basing his entire government-run health care scheme on.

Mr. Creamer calls Beck a liar. After you watch this video, you'll see who the real liar(s) are.


  1. Wasn't Glenn Great talking about this today, TCL. I knew you would love it and put it on your Blog. Later in the series, he had on John Stossel, who is starting on Fox today with his own show. Stossel whipped out a green phone, for Al Gore to call him and debate ClimateGate! Those two were very funny together.
    Enjoy your night and weekend. I hope it's not too cold by you.

  2. OK, let's look at the facts here: Robert Creamer, a convicted felon who has served prison time in a federal penitentiary says Glenn Beck is a liar.

    Glenn Beck, who has never so much as been issued a jay walking ticket, much less having been convicted of a felony, sees it differently.

    Hmmmmm. Who to believe, who to believe. How to judge character, how to assign credibility, it's always so hard....

    If you are a Democrat, of course you believe the felon. Because Glenn Beck is an evil conservative, he has to be wrong, despite all of the tidal wave of evidence and common sense to the contrary.

  3. Good one TCL. That's why they hate Beck so much. He has the habit of exposing the lies.

  4. Says 'this content is currently unavailable' perhaps for nonUSA only ?

  5. Hi Bunni:
    I caught the John Stossel clip, too. The phone gag is getting a lot of laughs...but no ring-a-dings.

    You have a nice weekend, too. I'm in FL, so no snowflakes in my neighborhood.

  6. Hi Fredd:
    All true and certainly a double standard. We can only hope that more people are catching on to the Left's lies despite the state-controlled media's refusal to cover the story.
    Here's a good story. Maybe conservatives are learning that we must speak out and not take the Lefties lies sitting down any longer. This is from Another Black Conservative Blog:

  7. Matt:
    And there are a lot of lies to be exposed. Glenn has his work cut out for him.

  8. Thank you for your trouble CL. I am just entering my max. work and no play for 48 hours and will check out those links probably Sunday afternoon.

  9. Madame:

    Sorry to hijack this thread, but you need to put up a post and act on the 1300-page Bawney Fwank's financial takeover bill

    Watch Michelle Bachmann and do what she says: melt the phones.

  10. Great video! Beck is exceptional at exposing the left's lies. He is great at revealing the truth. The left hates him because of how effective he is at exposing the libs lies.

  11. Teresa:
    At least somebody is doing it. The silence in the MSM about this is deafening.

  12. Войска ПВО:
    Thanks you for the link and the information. Barney and the Gang will stop at nothing to destroy this country. Thank goodness for people like Michele Bachmann.
    I'll post this on my Facebook account and thanks again.

  13. I need to do something about Creamer. Maybe something about him in the prison basement with the queens. Would I be a liar too? Probably not.

  14. The reality is that Barack Obama has been a marginalized president for over six months. He will be unable to sign into law any serious domestic bills. He has been tied up with his idiotic healthcare bill for over 6 months now, it this don't get passes and it looks as if it won't (lets hope it won't) Obama is going to be in a lot of trouble. The biggest indication I’ve seen so far that the ObamaCare/ReidCare/PelosiCare bill is dying swiftly is when Reid switched from debate on it to another pork-laden appropriations bill. The logical conclusion is that Reid didn’t have the 60 votes, or else he would have called for a vote on the healthcare bill.

    It’s possible that he’s trying to use the appropriations bill to bribe wobbling Dems, but it’s equally likely that this pivot away from the health care bill is just because Reid can’t pass it now and it’s looking more and more like he won’t be able to at any time in the future.

    BTW, please follow me to my new address

  15. SB:
    I would love to read your take on Creamer and the idea about the prison basement sounds plausible.

  16. malcontent:
    I think in the end the Dems will have enough votes to pass ObamaCare. With 5,000 earmarks in the appropriations bill, I'm sure some Dems were bribed. Harry would love it to be bi-partisan, but I don't think any Repubs will vote for it (someone needs to lock Olympia Snowe in a closet until this whole thing is over).
    I just fear that the Dems want to give Obama this WIN and that they'll vote for ObamaCare. If they can vote for a HUGE pork-laden bill in this terrible economic time on a Sunday, they are unscrupulous enough to vote for a monstrous health care bill.


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