Wednesday, November 25, 2009

UPDATE: A Gift From Above

If you ask me, the hackers that exposed the hoax of global warming are a gift from God.  This is the best news I have heard in months.  And although I know that Al Gore and his friends are going to try to squash this revelation, and President Obama is going to continue his quest for Cap & Tax, and the United Nations and the rest of the global warming crackpots will continue to strive for a Treaty of Copenhagen document that will promote globalization and the state-controlled media will ignore the story...with all that still out there, the exposure of the hoax will be a strong weapon in the quest to end the lie of man made global warming/climate change .  It will take some time, but I really believe this gift was given to us to rectify the evil perpetrated by the likes of Al Gore et al.  Encouraging too, is the fact that Senator Inhofe and others plan to call for investigations. It's a start.


Video h/t Barking Spider. Check out his post on the subject, too.

Climategate: The Final Nail in the Coffin of Anthropogenic Global Warming
If you own any shares in alternative energy companies I should start dumping them NOW. The conspiracy behind the Anthropogenic Global Warming myth (aka AGW; aka ManBearPig) has been suddenly, brutally and quite deliciously exposed after a hacker broke into the computers at the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (aka  CRU) and released 61 megabytes of confidential files onto the internet. (Hat tip: Watts Up With That)

Read more... 

And this is encouraging...

Michelle Malkin article: Climategate: Both Sides of the Pond Demand Probes Into Data Manipulation Scandal

Listen: Inhofe Says He Will Call for Investigation on "Climategate" on Washington Times Americas Morning Show

Additional article:

Michelle Malkin article: Science Czar John Holdren and Climategate - Perfect Together

Hiding Evidence of Global Cooling
Claim #268ENAU4PGKW


  1. That Delingpole blog was published as soon as Climategate came out and almost a week later it remains in the top 5 of the Daily Telegraphs most read online articles. Yet still this bastion of the Centre Right refuses to comment on the real story, ie the content of the e-mails, it just had one piece bemoaning the initial theft which is how the UK Met Office spun ( spinned, span ? ) it.

    Looks like they are preparing to hang Phil ' hide the decline ' Jones out to dry, not for his phoney science but for getting found out. Don't let them hide the real story beneath this.

  2. Banned:
    From what I understand, Fox News is the only network covering this story here. As time goes on, the state-controlled media will probably go after the hacker for breaking the law and blow off the real story of the global crisis fraud.
    This is where we come in...spread the truth to everyone we can.

  3. Conservative lady, It is indeed a gift from the gods. So let us use it well

  4. When I saw this story break on Drudge a few days ago, I about did a cartwheel. This could not have been better timing. It confirms what we all suspected. They know it's a lie. Now everyone knows they know

  5. Hi TCL, how you been?
    This is a SUPER post. I love the idea that it's a gift from GOD too! It's great you linked Spider's great post and his comment published on the BBC site.
    Dilingpole also has a super article about the whole thing.

    I just did a post about this subject, with a cool video I think you'll like, I'll link you too!

  6. The Left does nothing better than deny reality, though, so there's a strong chance that they'll do it again here, rather than jettison their precious, new, secular religion.

    Just as they ignore the crushing failure of socialism everywhere and every when, so will they have convenient amnesia about this...

  7. Hi Bunni,
    I'm doing well and I hope you are too.
    This story is BIG and since the state-controlled media will not do their job, we must continue posting on it and keep everybody updated. I'll head over to your blog and check out your post!

  8. Track:
    You are correct; the environment is their religion and using it is their plan to promote globalization, no matter how many lies they have to tell...the ends justify the means. This has been in the works for years and they will fight this to the end. Fortunately, informed people are more skeptical of the global climate crisis and with the internet and more people blogging all of the time, it is easier to get the truth out. The biggest problem is the state-controlled media...they do not do their job anymore, but are lap dogs to the statists running the country. We have to pick up the slack and keep on fighting these people the best we can.

  9. Angry Old Man:
    We must take advantage of this gift. Isn't it a wonderful that the information came out right before Copenhagen. We must not let the story fade; it's too important. We cannot let them win.

  10. Trestin:
    This is great news and we must continue telling the world that the whole global crisis is BS. And even though many scientists knew all along that lies were being told, this information validates every question skeptical scientists ever asked, and as a result were called global warming deniers. Well, the deniers are correct and the liars are being exposed for the evil people they are.

  11. Many thanks, TCL, for helping to spread this important information - we now have to hold them to account and to hell with Copenhagen and all the rest of their despicable phoney rhetoric!

  12. Spidey:
    I'm so glad I found your post with the video and your comment.
    Did you hear...Obama is now going to Copenhagen?!?!
    I sure hope people take this new information and use it to destroy the lies. We all must keep on this story.
    Thanks for all you do.


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