Thursday, October 8, 2009

Marc Lamont Hill Scrubs His Sites To Hide His Radicalism

If you're a viewer of The O'Reilly Factor, you've no doubt seen one of Bill's frequent guests, Dr. Marc Lamont Hill. This is a guy who, had he lived in Chicago, would have been spending his Sundays at Rev. Jeremiah Wright's church. Not only does Dr. Hill appear on O'Reilly's show, I've seen him on the Fox money shows on Saturday morning.

I just came across this article, and being originally from Philadelphia, I found it interesting that Dr. Hill is a supporter and publisher of one of Philly's well known cop-killers, Mumia Abu Jamal.

Marc Lamont Hill Isn't Just An Admirer of Cop-Killer Mumia Abu Jamal, He's His Publisher
by David Swindle

I personally never understood why Bill O'Reilly ever had Dr. Hill on his show as a commentator and gave him any credibility. His ideas are so radical and off the wall.  He's also a supporter of Castro along with other dictators.

According to the article by Mr. Swindle, Dr. Hill has scrubbed his MySpace page in an attempt to hide his radicalism.

Mr. Swindle goes on to say:
Hill has yet to respond to my email invitation welcoming him to justify his career defending anti-American radicals. The reason is simple: it can’t be done and still remain a respectable commentator. If you want to be a Free Mumia cultist then fine. The consequence is that the only network which will have you is Free Speech TV. Hill knows this. But there’s a more important fact on his mind as well: Fox News pays much better. Thus his strategy is to scrub his sites to try and hide the truth.

Hill needs to be held accountable for his views. And who better to do it than the enabler of Hill’s commentary, Mr. No Spin Zone himself? Click here to email Bill O’Reilly. Email: And please, do be civil.

The link to O' doesn't work, but if you want to send Bill a message, you can go to and look him up.


  1. Hey TCL - I've been literally laughing at Hill for as long as I can remember now. He's been on a few other FNC shows, including Red Eye, one of my favorites. Seeing him on that show really gives on insight, as he can be a bit more of himself.

    Regardless, even on O'Reilly's show he's a blatant leftist. I think Bill keeps bringing him back in an effort to expose the extreme left to those who may be more moderate. Bill's had emails about Hill, and every time stands a weak line of defense, and then the next time Hill's on his show Bill gives him just enough rope...

    Congrats on Sunday... kind of a boring race overall, but the standings are closer, which you know NASCAR likes.

  2. Hi Sol:
    I'm glad you can laugh at this guy. What ticks me off is that he's a college professor influencing students.
    I didn't watch the race on Sunday, but was happy to hear Tony won. It certainly is more fun when the points race is tight.

  3. Hill is a hack. I mention him occasionally on my blog. I think Fox gives him a platform to speak simply because they aren't like other networks when it comes to opposition. Fox presents all sides of the argument, no matter what any Fox basher will come in here and scream at you with their out-of-context, edited talking points.

    We all know this already.

    Hill finds racism in nearly everything. The Michael Jackson coverage was racist. The Patriots losing to Denver today was racist. 15,000 lining up for "free" money in Detroit is racism at its finest.

    I honestly believe that Hill doesn't really believe it all. He knows that this was his best shot at fame, not being able to rap, shoot or run with a ball or swing a bat.

    That's not the box I put him in; that's the box he shoves his own people in by insisting they cannot succeed due to the extreme racism.

    Nothing positive is ever cited by a schmuck like Hill, but you better believe that everything even slightly negative is amplified.

    He's another dreaming of that mythical revolution.

    I guess these asshats beleive that, eventually, people will rise up and take money from those who earn it to spread amongst themselves as some sort of justice. The only problem with that: it's been that way in America for decades! Where's the money? Squandered. Why? Schmucks like Hill preach that you're still entitled to more so long as you're not white.

    I'm confident that I could break this guy's nose with a loud scream. That's how soft he is. But he's okay on Red Eye. :)

  4. Josh:
    I think Hill believes everything he says. I guess doing it for the money makes sense, but if that's the case, why did he delete his websites? If he wants Fox News to keep him on as a controversial guest, I would think he'd leave the stuff on-line.

  5. It's hard to say.

    If you're worried about what people think, then there's a huge difference in thinking your girlfriend cheated on you and the neighborhood thinking it. The latter would mean she had to go.

    I'm pretty sure some at Fox, especially O'Reilly, knew/know how radical Hill is. But everyone else knowing it might be a problem.

    He might be trying to feign credibility now as the right vs. left debate heats up. Maybe attempting to present himself as moderately liberal will gain him more access to more shows as an authority.

    Lord knows Hill knows what happens to Jones types if a popular pundit decides to air news.

    I don't know why a guy like Hill does anything that he does or believes anything that he believes. It has all been proven false for decades. They stare the truth in the face and shun it for the sake of credibility in their purposefully-kept-disenfranchised circles.

    My rant was just about Hill being a chadrool! lol ... Why he's trying to hide something is beyond me. Maybe a "smear" campaign would cost him his cushy college indoctrination job?

  6. Josh:
    I didn't know you were Italian?!?!?
    I am of Italian descent, so I've called a few people a chadrool myself.
    I think it fits Mr. Hill.

  7. Some Italian on my mother's side.

    But I think words like that stick with me because I'm the world's biggest Soprano's fan! :P

  8. What? Hill scrubbed his site already? Im headed over to his site to check it out!

  9. Arlene:
    Hill scrubbed his site before he got canned at Fox. Guess he was a little too late!

  10. I went to Lamont tweet site & saw the follow message he posted:

    "If anyone called me today in the afternoon, I didn't get your message. My blackberry crashed. I still don't have internet...about 3 hours ago from web "


    I think he is making an excuse & is ducking & dodging phone calls.

  11. Conservative Lady:

    Hill's tweeter site:

    But when I went to it the other day, I saw several Foxnews videos on his site. But when I went to it a few minutes ago, the foxnews videos were gone.

    Hill might wind up losing his professor job at that university.

  12. Arlene:
    I don't know if he will lose his Prof. job. Most universities are liberal and may not care about Hill's radicalism.

    He's probably taking the Fox videos off because they fired him and he is separating himself from them.

    Maybe he can get a job a Rev. Wright's church.


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