Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Just To Be Fair...and Balanced

In order to be "fair and balanced", I've decided to include a post about the day after our March on DC.

On September 13, 2009, Organizing For America held a Pro-ObamaCare March on Washington Rally in DC, near where our rally was held the day before. After viewing this video, the folks on Capitol Hill should have no trouble deciding whether or not to vote for ObamaCare. The people have spoken...all 175 of them.

If you are interested in reading about the Pro-Obama Care Rally and seeing a comparison time-lapse video of the 9/12 March, click on the FreedomWorks article below:

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  1. What a stunning contrast.

    Of course, we won't see MSNBC disparaging this group and trying to minimize the number of attendees.

    On Huffington Post, the "chatters" had been discussing this event for two months, but there were no headlines to be found there.

  2. Thanks for this information. Pretty clear picture, if you ask me.

  3. Sol & Opie:
    Their pro-ObamaCare rally was such a flop the state-run media will make believe it didn't even happen.


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