Wednesday, September 23, 2009

AARP May Be Getting Kickbacks From ObamaCare

H/T Michelle Malkin.

This article may answer the question as to why AARP is backing ObamaCare. article:
AARP: Helping Seniors Or Helping Itself?

Administration Silences Medicare Advantage Critics—So AARP Can Collect More “Kickbacks”

"There's an inherent conflict of interest....They're ending up becoming very dependent on sources of income."
- Former AARP Executive Marilyn Moon, quoted in Bloomberg article

This week the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced it was investigating Humana for providing "misleading" information regarding the Administration's proposed cuts to Medicare Advantage policies-and prohibited other Medicare Advantage plans from providing similar information on how Democrat health "reform" could take away their current coverage.

Yet the Administration's edict prohibiting plans from communicating with their beneficiaries failed to include AARP, which sponsors a Medicare Advantage plan but has been a prime advocate of Democrats' government takeover of health care-quite possibly because AARP has been supporting a health care overhaul from which it stands to gain overall handsomely. Even as AARP advocates for cutting Medicare Advantage plans by more than $150 billion, an analysis of the organization's operations reveals that it stands to receive tens of millions of dollars at the expense of seniors' medical care-with Democrats' full approval: Read more...

Michelle Malkin goes on further to explain:

A Hill source summed it up for me this way: “AARP has endorsed a huge reduction in funding of Medicare Advantage, which touches over 10 million middle-lower income seniors. If Medicare Advantage funding is reduced, and seniors are forced out of the program, they become potential buyers of the heavily-promoted and very profitable Medicare Supplement program sponsored by AARP (MediGap is 70% of AARP’s annual income).  Read more...

So, if all of this is true, it's unfortunate that an organization meant to help seniors, has stooped so low as to plot and plan a way to take advantage of them.  I have a feeling that many people who remained members of AARP, even after they found out that it was supporting ObamaCare, will now have a change of heart and cancel their subscription.

It's great that we are finding out all of this information before ObamaCare passes.  What difference it will make, has yet to be seen.

Update: There is a conservative alternative to AARP. It's called American Seniors (ASA) and the link is:

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  1. Now that was an interesting read. Thanks and I will be passing it on!

  2. Lady Di:
    People couldn't understand why AARP would support ObamaCare. If this is true, it makes perfect sense.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Great work! I think seniors need to understand that the AARP is not acting in their best interests.

  4. Matt:
    What I am going to do is add an update to the post. There is an alternative to AARP called ASA. It's listed as the conservative alternative to AARP and many people who canceled their AARP membership skipped over to ASA.
    Thanks for stopping by.

  5. This type of thing is okay so long as they support progressive policy. It certainly doesn't matter that they're solely after profit.

    This crap unravels soon as it stops spinning.

  6. If Humana was telling their customers how great ObamaCare was going to be, their First Amendment right to free speech would not have been silenced.

    AARP has sold out their customers and because of it many people have canceled their membership. ASA is an alternative and I have included their website address as an update in the post.


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