Sunday, August 9, 2009

GOP Congressman Booed At Town Hall

The Democrats aren't the only ones getting an earful at the town hall meetings.

The video below was taken at a town hall meeting at the Upstate Family Resource Center in Boiling Springs on August 7. It shows Congressman Bob Inglis (R-SC) getting booed for suggesting that people turn Glenn Beck off because he is "trading on fear". The Beck comment wasn't the only thing he said that displeased the audience.

Well, it sounds like his constituents are planning to "turn Bob off" come the next election. They have a website:

The website states:
This site has been tossed together overnight, but after that meeting, we've had it with Bob!
We choose to keep Glenn Beck and replace Bob!

GOP Congressman Booed for Telling People to Turn Off Glenn Beck
By Noel Sheppard (NewsBusters)

The media would like folks to believe that only Democrats are hearing it from constituents at town hall meetings this August, but given what happened to Rep. Bob Inglis (R-SC) Thursday evening, nothing could be further from the truth. Read the rest here.

Further reading:

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  1. I'm glad this guy got it too. I don't care what side of the aisle these politicians fall on. If they upset the public interest, the public should let them have it. Far too many politicians forget that they work for us. They're OUR employees.

    A lot of citizens forget that, too, and view politicians like sugar-daddies.

    I'm not big on Glenn Beck. His personality is a little too over-the-top for me. But I can see why people would choose Beck over some random shmuck.

    Most of the media are completely liberal. Yeah, we all know this means they give free rides to their chosen. But it also means that you can not and will not find stories that might be detrimental to the administration. And no matter how you slice it, that's just criminal. The media have a duty -- oh, how quick they've forgotten.

    Beck broke the story about overseas bailouts while misdirection pointed at the AIG bonuses. He's one of the only media figures continuing to press for an ACORN investigation. He wants to know what the government is up to, while other members of the media ignore it all while insulting the "right-wing" take.

    Yeah, a little nutso, but other than the ocassional clip of a tongue slip or memory lapse, Beck presents reputable news, albeit with a little insanity mixed in.

  2. I am starting to believe that Americans are sick of the left/right, democrat/republican paradigm that our government has become. I think they want these jokers out of office no matter who they claim to be and they want people who know who it is that sends the to Washington and are willing to listen.

  3. It's about time that people started holding their legislative representatives accountable - irrespective of Party.

    The Republicans as a group have been a huge disappointment. There are exceptions - but not enough of them.

  4. Josh:
    True, Glenn Beck has a unique way of getting his point across, but thank God somebody is brave enough to do it. The alternative media (conservative talk radio, websites, blogs, etc.) have made it possible for us to get the truth we will never hear on state-run media for the reason you list - they are liberal. Thanks for your comments.

  5. BB:
    And about time! In many cases politicians start out as genuinely wanting to make a difference, but once in office are corrupted. The Founders did not plan for public office to turn into a career. Some spend 20-30 years in office. Kick the bums out. There are some terrific people, but many are nothing but power hungry parasites.

  6. LL:
    Many republicans in office think that they have to be Democrat-lite. The party's conservative values have gone to the wayside because they are afraid of losing votes. Look what its gotten them...minority status. Why vote for a Dem-lite when you can vote for the real thing? The republicans have to offer a different choice and hopefully they will learn their lesson now that people are rejecting Obama's way. Get rid of the RINOs and the battle is half won.

  7. This is very telling! People are upset and it's not just a "Republican" issue. This is an issue that affects us all!

    Of course, we will keep Glenn Beck! ;)

  8. A message is being sent to all of the leaders in DC.


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