Monday, March 16, 2009

Obama's "Back Button"

Prez Obama's "Back Button" (click to reverse Bush policies)

I'm glad that CitizenLink published the video entitled, "Change That Moves Us Backward" (linked to below). It addresses 2 issues that I wanted to post about and another I didn't realize was happening. The issues are listed on the website in these words:

Tax dollars to kill human embryos for their cells, the rights of Christian health-care workers under attack, poor D.C. students getting kicked out of private schools and sent back to failing public schools – Is this really the change a majority of Americans thought they were voting for?

Last week I found a Commentary and an Editorial about the Prez lifting the ban on using tax dollars to pay for human embryonic stem cell research. They tell about how scientists have found new ways to do stem cell research without using human embryos and that they are having success. The video helps explain the issue.

The second item discussed is one I was not aware of. It explains how an executive order in place during President Bush's admisitration, that health care workers had a right to refuse to partake in abortions or other medical procedures that they find ethically wrong, is now being changed. Prez Obama has reversed this order by taking away that right and making it possible that a person who does not want to do this work can be held back for promotions, refused a job, etc.

The third issue is that the Prez has stopped the school voucher program in Washington DC. Now poor children living in DC are not eligible for scholarships to private schools which they otherwise would not be able to afford. So much for the Prez's plans to provide schooling for kids K thru college. This is a "thank you" to the Teacher's Union for their support. An interesting and sad part to this story is that a few of the children that go to the Obama daughters' school will lose their scholarships and have to go to DC public school. If the Republicans did this, they would be called "racist".

Prez Obama is clicking the "Back Button" as fast as he can.

Here's the link to the CitizenLink video "Change That Moves Us Backward":

Link to National Review Editorial, "Failing the Stem-Cell Test":

Link to CitizenLink Commentary by Dawn Vargo, "Embryonic Research is Financially Risky, Scientifically Unproven":

1 comment:

  1. You may also be aware by now of Obama's snub of our British allies, by returning the bust of Sir Winston Churchill. This is the man who promised diplomicy?


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