Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Jon Stewart Takes The Climategate Researchers To Task

Jon Stewart does not concede that the "Climate Crisis" isn't real, he's just ticked off that the Climategate researchers were dumb enough to "hide the decline".

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Scientists Hide Global Warming Data

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by Allahpundit

No, he’s not questioning man-made global warming, but neither is he ignoring the e-mails or pretending that they don’t matter like, say, the UN or Obama’s climate czar or pretty much all nutroots bloggers great and small. Put Stewart in the Monbiot camp: Data manipulation doesn’t mean the icecaps aren’t melting, but it sure ain’t helping convince people that they are. At Reason, Ronald Bailey surveys the damage:
But for now, regardless of the motivations of the researchers, damage has been done. How can the world of climate science recover? First, carry out independent investigations of the activities of the researchers involved. Pennsylvania State University has announced that it will investigate the activities of researcher Michael Mann, who worked closely with the CRU and several times expressed in the leaked emails his desire to stifle the scientific work of researchers with whom he disagreed. In Britain, Nigel Lawson, former chancellor of the exchequer, has called for an independent investigation of the CRU. Tireless journalistic global warming scold George Monbiot has declared, “It’s no use pretending this isn’t a major blow….I believe that the head of the unit, Phil Jones, should now resign.”…
One thing more transparency won’t fix: the complications and uncertainty inherent in the policy debate about global warming. “In the end, I would hypothesize that the result of the freeing of data and code will necessarily lead to a more robust understanding of scientific uncertainties, [and] that may have the perverse effect of making the future less clear,” emails Pielke Jr. “The inability to tolerate dissent has unfortunately destroyed the credibility of climate change science and I don’t know how it’s going to come back,” laments climatologist and free-market Cato Institute fellow Patrick Michaels, who was frequently reviled in the CRU emails. “I don’t know how the public and policymakers will ever trust what climate scientists say in the future.”
No less a skeptic than Jim Inhofe was sufficiently pleased with this bit to post it to his own YouTube account, even though its primary target ultimately is, er, Jim Inhofe. Think of it as the “Daily Show” equivalent of Obama’s new timetable: Very far from ideal, but probably the best you’re going to do from a lefty.

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  1. TCL I LOVED this. Too Funny. I don't have cable, so unless I remember to go online and find their websites, I miss alot of this stuff. Thanks for posting. I'm so happy the decline of obummer, al gore, and all the lying minions is happening now.

  2. This is great, TCL, I couldn't view the video on the player you embedded, (not available in this country), but thanks to your link I saw the clip I wanted to see on You Tube.

    So the CRU debacle has now made it's way to CNN - I am really surprised - and it's only taken a week or two!!

  3. Anyone with any common sense knows the winters have been getting cooler and the summers have become milder. These scientists didn't need to hide anything, the proof has been posted in the real data that real scientists produce.

  4. Bunni:
    I never watch Jon Stewart's show either, and I have cable. Just happened upon it and thought it was good for a laugh.
    Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that the exposed e-mails are changing his mind about global warming.

  5. Hi Spidey:
    There is still a lot of "denial" going on in the U.S., including our POTUS. He's still planning on going to Copenhagen.
    I don't watch any news networks except Fox, so I'm not sure what they're saying about the CRU debacle other than e-mails were hacked. I'll bet most of them are blaming the hackers for breaking the law.

  6. Bill:
    You said the magic words...
    "common sense".

  7. Lokewise spidey. " Sorry, videos not available in your country " which is a bit precious.

    This one ?

  8. Banned:
    Thanks for the link to the YouTube version. I posted it on my YouTube Channel last night.
    Too bad Stewart's mind hasn't been changed by the e-mails.


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