Friday, November 27, 2009

Climate Czar Blows Off Climategate - Obama Going to Copenhagen - Aussie Leaders Quit Over Climate Change Laws

Well, that's settled. Climate Czar Carol Browner blew off the e-mails showing fudged global warming numbers. She's sticking with the consensus of 2,500 scientists who say the science of global warming is settled. Obviously Czar Browner has not seen the list of 31,486 American scientists who signed a petition rejecting man-made climate change...or maybe it's just another one of those inconvenient truths that got "hidden" in the shuffle along with the decline.

Washington Times Article:
Obama administration climate czar Carol Browner on Wednesday rejected claims that e-mails stolen from a British university show climate scientists trumped up global warming numbers, saying she considers the science settled. 

"I'm sticking with the 2,500 scientists. These people have been studying this issue for a very long time and agree this problem is real," said Ms. Browner, who President Obama has tapped as his chief of policy on global warming.

She also said the e-mails are only trickling out, and that the entire set hasn't been released.
Ms. Browner initially shrugged when asked about the e-mails, saying she didn't have a reaction. But when a reporter followed up, she said she will stick with the consensus of the 2,500 climate scientists on the International Panel on Climate Change who concluded global warming is happening and is most likely being pushed by human actions

Excuse me Czar Browner, but "most likely being pushed by human actions"?  I thought it was settled.  You sound a little unsure about it to me.

Meanwhile, ignoring the exposed information the e-mail hacker found, Prez BO is planning on going to the Copenhagen global warming summit to sell us down the river.

Obama To Plead US Case at Global Warming Summit 
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama will commit the United States to substantial cuts in greenhouse gas pollution over the next decade — despite resistance in Congress over higher costs — when he travels to a major climate conference in Copenhagen next month.
Obama will attend the start of the conference Dec. 9 before heading to Oslo to accept the Nobel Peace Prize. He will "put on the table" a U.S. commitment to cut emissions by 17 percent over the next decade, on the way to reducing heat-trapping pollution by 80 percent by mid-century, the White House said.  Read more... 

And in keeping with their lap dog mentality, the state-controlled media writes headlines playing down the effects of Prez BO's Cap & Tax plans, saying it won't change daily life much.  Read a little further and the author throws in different scenarios:

From this...

White House climate czar Carol Browner cites a $173 a year cost for a family of four that was calculated by the Congressional Budget Office for the House climate bill, which has the same roughly 17 percent target. That summer CBO study said the poorest households would save $40 a year, while those in the highest income ranges would face a jump of $245 a year.

To this...

A number of studies done at the request of business groups have pegged the cost for the average household at $900 to $1,539 a year by 2020.

Dah...when has the government ever estimated something realistically?  Bet on the second estimate and you'll win.

New Climate Targets May Not Change Daily Life Much

WASHINGTON — Americans' day-to-day lives won't change noticeably if President Barack Obama achieves his newly announced goal of slashing carbon dioxide pollution by one-sixth in the next decade, experts say.
Except for rising energy bills. And how much they'll go up depends on who's doing the calculating.
The White House will commit the U.S. to a goal of cutting carbon dioxide emissions in 2010 to about 17 percent below 2005 levels at a U.N.-sponsored climate change summit in Copenhagen early next month. That's about 12.5 percent below 2008 levels, according to the Department of Energy. He also set a goal of cutting emissions by 83 percent by 2050, which is what European nations want.
So the question is how big a burden would those double-digit cuts be for the average American. Read more...

What are the chances that our Congress will grow a set and take a lesson from the Australian the point of resigning over climate change laws?  Dumb question, I know...slim to none.

Sky News Article:
Aussie MPs Revolt Over Climate Change Laws
By Ian Woods in Australia

Australian politics is in turmoil because MPs and senators are refusing to back action on global warming - on the eve of the Copenhagen Climate Change summit.  Read more...


  1. Last time I looked Al Gore was claiming 4,000 'scientists' though even the earleir crowd included journalists, commentators and even scientists who, while having paricipated in the research were against its findings. What wanton hubris is that ! (h/t Tommy Lee Jones )

    Obama will attend the start of the conference Dec. 9 before heading to Oslo to accept the Nobel Peace Prize. Collecting his precious prize is what seems to drive Mr. Obama.

    Still, good for the Aus MPs who have probably woken up to the fact that it now costs their constituents £80 EXTRA in carbon tax, each way, to fly for a visit to the folks back in the Old Country. That's £640 or about $1k for a family of four.
    Will that affect the behaviour of the wealthy ? I think not, rather it will punish the poor.

  2. This is one of the four fronts we must focus on. I hope the republicans are as fierce in opposing this as they have been about health care.

  3. Banned:
    Algore is an evil liar and I don't believe a thing he says. He will say anything to promote global warming while selling carbon credits and making millions.
    As for Obama, he's going to be making some promises at the Copenhagen meeting that may cost us lots of money. And as for the Nobel PP...he can shove it where the sun don't shine for all I care.
    At least there are some leaders who have some integrity...hats off to the Aussie MPs & Senators who quit.

  4. Trestin:
    I hope so too, but with idiots like Lindsey Graham partnering up with John Kerry on Crap & Tax, I worry a little.

  5. Trestin:
    Not to mention those 8 GOP House turncoats.

  6. Someone tell this clueless broad that it's not just the e-mails, it's the software that was hacked together to render the data into the form that was used to draw these onerous, civilization-affecting conclusions (emphasis added):

    "I am seriously worried that our flagship gridded data product is produced by Delaunay triangulation - apparently linear as well. As far as I can see, this renders the station counts totally meaningless. It also means that we cannot say exactly how the gridded data is arrived at from a statistical perspective - since we're using an off-the-shelf product that isn't documented sufficiently to say that. Why this wasn't coded up in Fortran I don't know - time pressures perhaps? Was too much effort expended on homogenisation, that there wasn't enough time to write a gridding procedure? Of course, it's too late for me to fix it too. Meh."

  7. It all sounds suspiciously like a plan to tax us more... nice post.

  8. LSP:
    Absolutely...and it's been in the works for years, so they are not going to let a little "truth" get in the way.

  9. Войска ПВО:
    Don't let the "truth" get in the way. Czar Browner and her ilk do not care what was found and whether or not it blows the global warming consensus out of the water or not.
    The plan is "globalization" and "redistribution of wealth" and the path is through global warming/climate crisis (or whatever they're calling it this week). And the state-controlled media is in their pocket, so anyone not paying attention or watching Fox News probably hasn't heard a word about it.
    I just hope that somehow the "gift" of the findings of the hackers is used to stop them...and this is going to be a very hard job. We can do our part by passing the word. That link you included is a great start (I wish I understood science better, but the message comes through, even to me.)
    Thanks for linking to it.

  10. The house of cards is beginning to fall apart, TCL, and the pressure on the climate change brigade now needs to be ruthless and relentless to make the whole damned thing collapse!

  11. Spidey:
    I could not agree with you more. Now is the golden opportunity that cannot we cannot let slip away.

  12. The most "impressive" aspect of this is that the broadcast networks have been uniformly ignoring this issue. Not only that, they've been amping up the alarmist rhetoric in anticipation of this fail conference in Copenhagen.

    I think the left may get extra desperate and try to ram this through no matter what the reality is. They want their power, and that's the whole point anyway.

  13. Matt:
    Don't expect to hear anything about it either...except maybe that the hacker should be prosecuted.
    They will amp up the propaganda in hopes of squashing the truth.
    From what I understand, the Senate will take up Crap & Tax next year. I certainly hope by then the TRUTH will have been so relentlessly publicized by the internet, Fox News, blogs, outspoken scientists, etc., that (I can't believe I'm saying this)...that enough Senators will be compelled to vote against it and be able to stop it. I can HOPE can't I?

  14. You can't expect them to admit that they are wrong do you? They will need to keep the lie going in order to further thier agenda. part of which is a one world order.

    Thanks for the good wishes. She is a real beauty. We picked her up this afternoon, so far she hasn't slept much. So we will see how much sleep I get over the next few months. Little man seems ok with her, for now anyway.

  15. BBC announce UK Govt. inquiry into Climategate.

  16. Boy did you nail this one. Great job

  17. Saint:
    Thanks for stopping by...come back again.

  18. JACG:
    Of course not. It's now or never for them.

    So happy for you and your family.

  19. Banned:
    Thanks for sending the link.
    I wonder if they will be able to find people who are unbiased to sit on the panel. This will be interesting.

  20. Wheels within wheels, smoke & Mirrors CL, are you familiar with the 40 yer old BBC comedy ' Yes Minister ' ?
    It acutely portrays the inner workings of the UK administration, then and now. I blogged on it recently re the not unconnected issue of Government databases about us.

    Yes Minister

  21. Banned:
    I watched the video...thanks for linking to it.
    It would be nice to find a politician like the Minister, but I think they're extinct now.

  22. Great Post TCL: Of course they will never admit this is all ONE BIG LIE! I hope obummer is booed off the stage in copenhagen. I agree with you....where he can put his "prize"...hee hee.

  23. Hi Bunni:
    I am so happy that this hoax is being outed. I just hope the outrage grows and grows to the point that our Congress can't help but vote down Cap & Trade. Obviously, Obama is going to continue down the global warming path, but I don't expect him or his ilk to back down on it.

  24. Everything seems to be "settled."

    Climate change

    Bush did it

    Organics are "better"

    Obama is the light and truth and our savior

    Liberals are all about helping the little guy

    White people overreact when being called racists, because we are racists

    America is a failed idea

    Our cruelty and arrogance makes poor, misunderstood people justified in attacking us

    The "right" is uneducated

    Gay marriage isn't a slipperly slope; it's a civil right, and standing against homosexuality shoved down your throat is bigoted

    American industry, it's citizens and their wealth should be controlled by government

    Government allowing us to have freedom is a privilage

    The only truth is progressive interpretation

    And on and on and on...

    I'm not too worried about it anymore. If I'm the dumb one for not believing this power-grab nonsense, then I don't want to be smart.

    People wanting to give their souls to liberals for whatever reasons can go ahead and do it. Enough of us don't that this crap won't make it past a few years.

    Then the fringe will be back solely on blogs, "organizing" communities, stealing tax money and on MSNBC where they belong and not in power.

    I can wait.

  25. Hi Josh,
    Sounds like you have a post going there.
    I sure hope things will start to blow up in their faces as more people begin so see through the lies. These e-mails are the start of something and, if the pressure stays on, it may be the beginning of the explosion.


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