Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Jackass Of The Day

Reid Compares Health Care Reform Foes to Supporters of Slavery

Jackass Harry better get his history straight. He is comparing the Republicans to supporters of slavery, but let us remind Harry who really supported slavery. Watch this Black History Month video by Bob Parks from Black and Right Blog:


  1. Is that as bad or worse than Prime Monster Gordon Brown calling climate skeptics " flat-earthers" ?

  2. I suppose there are different names for different occasions. "Flat-earthers" for climate crisis skeptics and "racists" for those who disagree with Obama.

    Here in the US lately, the Dems have been throwing that word around ever since Obama was campaigning for president. If you didn't vote for him, you are a racist.
    This guy, Harry Reid, is leading the charge in the Senate for ObamaCare and whenever a Liberal/Dem is at the point of desperation, they pull the race card. Not to mention the fact that the Dems are the real racists throughout American history. You'll see it spelled out in the second video by Bob Parks.

  3. Meanwhile little Ed Miliband ( Govt. minister ) announces that climate change denial is "anti-social behaviour and will not be tolerated ", twat.

  4. Banned:
    Bollocks! That's just what a socialist would say. What does he plan to do to the deniers? How do we "tolerate" such obnoxious politicians?

  5. Harry Reid is an embarrassment to my people.
    I live the 2nd video. It is the best presented argument I have ever seen for the black community

  6. This should come as no surprise. The Dems are constantly saying whatever they can to associate the right as being the bad guys. This statement is intended to make people believe that the Republicans are the ones responsible slavery, when in fact it was the Repunlicans that fought to free the slaves. The Dem's have a very long history of vilifying the Reps. And shamefully, it has worked for them.

  7. Hi Walt:
    Right you are. Harry Reid is so desperate to pass a health care bill, any health care bill, that he will say and do anything. The last act of a desperate Democrat is pulling the race card. Harry is desperate...he is going to lose his job soon and he knows it.

  8. Hi Trestin:
    Don't take Harry to heart. He may be a MINO (Mormon in name only)...I just made that up. Any person with a bit of morality and ethics would not do half the things Dingy Harry says and does. He is desperate and, as I said in my other comment, desperate Dems resort to the race card.
    Glad you liked the video. I, too, think that it's a great commentary on black conservatism and Mr. Parks does a great job of laying out who the real racists are in this country.

  9. Bob Parks in 2012 :)

    Even without looking back and seeing the real history of our country, I cannot believe that any minority (or ANY struggling person for that matter) would stand for being patronized by elitists and treated as if they can't succeed without their help.

    But I have to agree with Bob when he says it's just the easy way out -- it's the accepted thing to do at this point.

    On one hand, I can't blame people--black, white, Latino, w/e--for playing the Democrats' game. It's an empowering thing to find and fight an enemy. I think we can attest to this after we were attacked on 911 and Bush declared a war on terror. (I do fully realize the situations are nothing alike but on that one level.)

    But there has to come a point in time when you at least question what your "side" stands for.

    One of the biggest reasons I hear for minorities voting Democrat is that Republicans don't do anything for them. But other than empty promises, Democrats haven't either.

    When the politician and the activist buy a new home and new car and you're still waiting in line for a turkey on Thanksgiving, that should clue you in.


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