Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Demise Of The Dollar

This Glenn Beck report is an eye opener. It's an issue we never hear President Obama, his administration or the state-run media speak about. It's about the demise of our dollar.

When I watched this, one of the most striking things was the comparison of the fall of Russia to what is happening in our country now.

If you missed the show last night, the video is 19 minutes long, but it's worth watching.


  1. I heard about this. This story, together with the Chinese flag over the white house and Chinese colors on the Empire State Bldg, makes me worried. I think the Chinese think of America as bought and paid for. We are certainly prostituting ourselves to them, selling our precious icons.

    Our weak president, overspending and irresponsible, is tanking the dollar. The people will see what this will mean.

  2. Yep, I saw it (DVR'd it, since I get home too late). Wow, super eye-opener. Oddly, I can't believe we're all talking about the SNL skit instead of this - this is the biggest thing of our time, if it comes to pass (demise of the dollar). My wife and I were talking about shoring up our emergency pantry, buying more ammo, etc. - be prepared. Also, I'd love to buy gold...if I had a time machine and could go back 10 years. Right now though, its super high. However, if the dollar falls to pieces, gold will maintain its value - because it can only be made from supernovas :) ie., its scarce. Great money dump...I just hate buying high.

  3. I watched it also and it was so scary. How can you not see this coming. Stay vigilant

  4. I saw this yesterday too TCL, and put it on my blog,'s a SUPER VIDEO, Glenn really explains the crisis we are in. It is scary to see this happening, but at least we know what we're in for...this is why I had to put a few funny vids up too, to cheer up.

  5. Opie:
    I don't think Obama cares about the dollar. Now they're talking about spending more money, but we're not to call it a second stimulus. He just keeps printing it and damn everything else.

  6. Candle:
    It is amazing how the state-run media can focus on crap like SNL and David Letterman, when there is a gigantic story like the devaluation of our dollar to be told and explained.
    There are so many "buy gold" commercials on TV, I wonder if they are all legit. I wouldn't mind having a stash right now myself.

  7. Lady Di:
    There have been stories about our dollar devaluation for the past few years. The Euro has been worth more for a while now.
    It's so disturbing to think our country is going down this road.

  8. Bunni:
    Glad to hear you posted the video too. The more people see this story, the better.
    I haven't had much time on the blogs this week, but I'll go over and check your funny vids...I could use a laugh. I have seen your animal cute.

  9. Brown has done the same thing for the pound during his disastrous time at the Treasury and the same thing is going to happen to the Euro in the not-too-distant future. Are we all doomed to end up using the Yuan as a global currency?

  10. Hi Spidey:
    This must be a great conspiracy to destroy our countries...and it's our own leaders doing it.
    God Help Us All.


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