Friday, July 1, 2011

Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land Unto All the Inhabitants Thereof

On this Independence Day weekend, TCGuy and I have a lot to celebrate.   Our Son is home for a visit, my Dad is staying with us for a few days, we are having a family dinner with my Brother, Sister-in-Law, Niece and Nephew and it's my birthday (July 2).  It may not sound like a big deal, but we don't see each other very often.  We are one of those families who don't live close by most of the year, so family gatherings are few and far between.  I am happy and thankful for the freedom to celebrate Independence Day weekend with my Family.

I hope your Independence Day weekend will be filled with Family, Friends and lots of Fun & Relaxation.

Above all, let us Celebrate our Freedom and Liberty.  Let us tell our children the Truth about the Founding of the United States of America and the Real Meaning of Independence Day.   Let us take some time to think about our Founding Fathers, our Veterans and our active Military...all those who were directly responsible for the creation of our Republic and those who sacrifice every day to uphold it.  Let us Thank God for these People, for His Blessings on Us and for His Blessings on our Country.

There is no country more Free than America.  It is up to us to continue the fight to keep our Freedom and Liberty, as every day we see another threat being waged against them.  There is no doubt in my mind that we are up for the fight...after all...We are Americans!

God Bless America and God Bless All of You!