Monday, February 8, 2010

Sarah Palin Interview on Fox News Sunday


  1. I thought it was a pretty good interview. I was happy to hear that she is open to running for President in 2012.

  2. Teresa:
    I thought so too. I am interested in why she backs people like Rand Paul, who obviously is not on the same wavelength as she is when it comes to GITMO, etc.

  3. Hi Opie:
    She is definitely a breath of fresh air.

  4. She did good, and still has the left scared.

  5. i love sarah palin!

    love what she does to the progressive left even more!

  6. Trestin:
    She certainly does have the Left scared. They can't stop talking about her and trying to rip her to shreds.

  7. Pedaling:
    I love that she wrote "Hi Mom" on her hand the very next day after the MSM ripped her for writing a few reminder words on her hand for her speech/interview. She sure knows how to play them.


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