Friday, July 31, 2009

Constitutional Watchdog Uncovers Story

I had Glenn Beck's show on this evening, but missed this segment (we were running around taking everything in before a storm). Our friends, B & G from Florida, e-mailed and asked that I check this story out for a possible post.

As Glenn says, don't log onto the website, because if you do the information contained on it becomes the property of the federal government. Now that's scary.

This story was found by a listener of Glenn Beck's radio show who participated in Glenn's new program, "Constitutional Watchdogs". Glenn is calling on all of us to help keep watch over the government's failure to uphold our Constitution. Watch the video to see what it's all about.

Be A Constitutional Watchdog For America

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  1. What others sites are they collecting this information on? Wolves at the door.

  2. Good GOD almighty is right! This is the most outrageous, frightening thing I have ever heard!

    CL, THANKS so much for getting this out there!
    I myself don't have a car, but I can only imagine the many fellow bloggers who do, and then they might have gone on that evil site.

    Can I do a guest post of this on my blog? I think it's SUPER IMPORTANT for people to know about this.

    Have a great weekend. Bunni

  3. Capt. T:
    I have no idea, but I bet we will all start reading those Privacy Statements before we click continue.

    Amusing Bunni:
    Go right ahead and post it. Everybody should know about this.

    Thank you both for your comments.

  4. The most scary thing to me, even more scary than seeing Glenn Beck dance around in lederhosen with his jowls packed full of M&Ms, is the fact that, anytime they wanted, the Fed could seize control of cyberspace and there's nothing we could do until after the fact.

    Be proud of the man wanting to be king of his home. Be scared of the man wanting to be king of a throne.

  5. Josh:
    Right you are. Guess no one really thinks about things like that until they see a story like this one.
    Thanks for commenting.

  6. Hi Again TCL: Barking Spider left a comment on my post that they removed the video for "terms of service violation" So, I updated it with a direct link. Also, Glenn Beck on Twitter did this tweet, and the link goes to the video.....I wonder who is running scared with this?? It's still on you tube with the links I'm referencing, for now:

    RT @glennbeck Thinking about cash for clunkers? Think again... must watch! DO NOT GO TO THE CARS.GOV WEBSITE!

    Thanks for your nice comment, BTW

  7. Amusing Bunni:
    Thanks for letting me know.

  8. Thanks a bunch for posting this, TCL. I copied the vid down to my computer then reposted it on youtube and then over my way (thanks for linking back, btw) because I saw they'd pulled the original video you, then Bunni had.

    I'm keeping a copy on my non-government CARS system computer to repost when they pull my copy off youtube...and I'll post it again...and again...and again.

  9. great find Lady..horrifying but what can we expect from Hussein!

  10. Dr. Dave:
    Thanks for taking care of reposting the video. I hadn't been on-line and didn't know until Bunni notified me that it had been taken down.

    Thanks and I think Josh's comment is right. They can probably seize control of whatever they like without us ever knowing.

  11. Glenn Beck strikes again. His buffoonery would be hilarious if people weren't actually taking it seriously.

    I did some research and found that consumers taking part in the Cash For Clunkers program will not have their computers seized by the government. The site Glenn Beck was referring to was not, but one that only dealers who are using the government program can access. As a writer for says, this makes sense that the government have access to the dealer's computer since it is a government program handing out billions of dollars that has the potential for fraud.

    Here are links to a couple of stories which shed much needed light on the Glenn Beck "exposé".

  12. Of course it couldn't happen here in the UK, could it???

    This is truly frightening, will be watching this one for F2C.

  13. TBY:
    If it's here, it's there. Thanks for the comment and the follow.


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